Sheshan - ICCA - Highlanders Youth

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شه شن :
شه شن تعني شخصية الحصان، ومن اعز على الفارس الشركسي من حصانه؟. يقلده في كل شيء، مشيته و وقفته و حركاته فهو رفيقه في السلم و الحرب. و شه شن رقصة حافظ عليها شراكسة المهجر و برعوا في أداءها و الحفاظ على موسيقاها فغدت عنوان محافظة شراكسة المهجر على تاريخهم و فلكلورهم.

2. Shehshan:
Shehshan means the horse personality. And what is dearer to a knight’s heart than his horse? Imitating his moves, his walk, his posture, it is his companion in peace and war. Shehshan is a dance preserved by Circassians in diaspora, they mastered it and its melodies, so it became the title of preserving Circassian history and culture in diaspora.
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🤩 🎉 Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway for your amazing support and to all our friends who have joined 🎉❤ or
