Athena Strand: Delivery drivers start social media campaign to rebuild trust after girl's murder

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Police say a contract FedEx driver admitted to abducting and killing the 7-year-old after accidentally hitting her with his delivery truck.
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This is a bit odd, honestly. If I'm someone who interacts with the public near in/near their homes, I'd want kids not to trust me. Because they should not be trusting strangers, period.


"We can't trust you anymore" is a wild statement for someone yu've never met in the first place. Indifference is an option, a healthy one at that, no matter if we are talking about delivery persons, cops, teachers, etc. C'mon parents what are we teaching our kids?


They can start by hiring actual employees with benefits, instead of independent contractors. Corporate greed.


Why should these poor delivery drivers even have to go through this? A person did this, not drivers.


Please please don’t blame all for the wrong doing of ONE. I 🙏 and I’m 💔for the love ones of this beautiful little angel.


This is the actions of one person, so what he did is despicable but there ain't nothing we can do about it nobody should lose trust in their delivery driver this was just one person like I said you can rebuild the trust all you want but there's one more humans out there bent on taking the lives of others we'll never stop that so this was one person one crime had nothing to do with any other drivers.


Unfortunately one scumbag cause all those other drivers to be more scrutinized. The bottom line is kids should be taught not to trust nobody from drivers to politicians!


This is all Tanner Horner fault for trauma the colleagues from fedex and other delivery drivers are scared!!!


It’s sad that people are targeting other delivery drivers bc of one or two individuals. Horrible things happen way to often but we don’t see people going after an entire group of people bc of what one awful person did. The people being nasty through their ring cameras, how about you don’t order items to be delivered then. You want to be nasty to the delivery driver but you still want the luxury of having your items delivered to your home. How a** backwards is that!


Yeah, that idiot Tanner really put a dark spot and view for the delivery drivers. I know every time I see a FedEx truck I can’t help but to think about Athena. With that said I don’t think every delivery person is as evil as he was.


1, 000 in prison waiting in line to get to be the hero.


They need a Paso law in memory of her any children get hurt under the age of seven or 12 they need to pass a law that you serve the time in prison without parole and you do not get out of prison for anything they need a pass along for murderers criminals and whoever hurts children


*Delivery services, just like EVERY industry, have to recruit from the human race. Hopefully they CAN screen some people out. I think ANY crime should be a wake up call for everyone to be ALERT, pay attention, take security measures. NO occupation (or unemployed group) are immune from having bad people work for them. And there are so many bad people, EVERYONE needs to be careful, anyone could become a victim, INCLUDING delivery drivers!
And there are delivery drivers, newspaper carriers, taxi/Uber drivers that REPORT crimes, that SAVE lives!*


I had to put up no trespassing by FedEx signs on the private shared driveway that passes over my property and within 15 feet of my home because the drives wouldn't slow down to the posted 5mph sign. They would drive 20+mph. I only asked for 60 feet of caution out of the 200 foot section which is on my property and the drivers responses were " FO, we don't have to". FedEx doesn't care. They make their drivers independent contract employees so they can skirt responsibility for the drivers actions. Their mantra shouldn't be your babies are safe on my route, it should be your babies are speed bumps on my route.


I’m sorry but what idiot parent is going around telling their kids about this specific story


Why is the journalist dressed like sailor moon though? Poor wardrobe choice 😂


Only just one guy do the wrong thing. The others do their job with excellence


I personally believe it’s about the BACKGROUND CHECK…was it thoroughly completed ✅. Yes, anyone reasonable can speak to their own delivery driver’s if there’s any doubt. No one ☝🏽 can be considered “guilty” by employment association. I’m believing it will all come out once the lawsuit’s outcome is in the news.


You cannot blame all for one person's action. In every situation you may have one bad actor but, that doesn't mean all are bad.


That's so mean don't take it out on innocent employees. Merry Christmas ✝️🛐😇
