MegaEsophagus Dog using Bailey Chair

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Pepper has Canine Megaesophagus. Basically her esophagus doesn't propel food to her stomach and it gets caught in her throat to be regurgitated hours later. By eating upright in her Bailey chair, gravity can do the work for her esophagus. Without the upright feeding process, Pepper would not be able to keep down her food and couldn't potentially aspirate when regurgitating. Pepper's Bailey Chair saved her life!
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My dog had developed this in a lesser form (she is 12). I did not know how long a dog's esophagus was until I studied their anatomy. No wonder I have to keep her sitting for awhile after eating! Good luck with your puppers!


Thank you for watching our first video! We have a lot more to come and quire a few more dogs to introduce lol. Let us know if you have any questions about Megaesophagus. :D
