Sustainable Period Products: Gynecologist Explains Safe Alternative Menstrual Options

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Let's talk period products - there are so many menstrual options on the market - from menstrual cups to sea sponges, Dr. Danielle Jones, a board-certified gynecologist, explains period products, including the earth-friendly, sustainable options on the market. And warns against to use of one particular product while explaining how unsafe it can be.

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Which have these have you used?! What’s your favorite?


that is so weird... here in Germany we only have applicator-free tampons (at least where I live...) I've never seen such an applicator before, and I always wondered why American tampon packaging is so big :D Funny how different countries can be


“Empowerment cannot happen without education.” That statement is probably the most powerful thing I’ve heard in quite a long time.


Dropping $30 on a menstrual cup was the best decision of my life. I got the one from the flex company because I like the finger loop they have on theirs. It makes removal super easy. I've been using it for over a year, and yes it really sucked inserting at first, but after doing it a couple times I had it nailed down. I've also saved myself hella money on period products. Seriously, a menstrual cup is something everyone should invest in. So worth it


I switch to a silicone cup several years ago and it was LIFE CHANGING! I actually forget I’m on my period now!


Washable pads don't weird me out at all, mostly because I got so tired of blood-stained sheets at night during my period (I don't like using tampons, so I just used pads, but my flow can be very heavy), I just started using very small towels and washing them. At some point I got a set of red and dark magenta towels, and my partner enjoys poking fun at them - for example if he's the one folding laundry, he'll give me a stack and be all "here, washed your crotch rags, darling <3". It's a good laugh xD. In all honesty though, it's my favorite solution for nights, because I've never had leakage, and it's very comfortable, and I can just throw them into the laundry ^^. Sometimes I use them during the day if I'm just staying at home.


I've been using a cup + absorbant undewear for 5 years now and: my life has changed. No more funky smells, no more itching, i feel cleaner, free and very in sync with my body!!


I was seriously dating a girl for 7 years and I was told all about menstrual stuff and bra fitments. Men need to be aware of all this sort of stuff as well as women. Knowledge is NOT the same as experience but it is better than knowing nothing at all. I remember from my past following my menopausal mother upstairs with a towel and living with the girl I was dating during her 8 month mega-period. She eventually managed to get on "the pill" to regulate her body. The doctor didn't approve of her positive thoughts on this. GPs don't necessarily know EVERYTHING.


Period undies are a game changer for me. As someone who has super sensitive skin who'd get rashes from using pads and found tampons were uncomfortable they are great and make me actually feel like a human being during my period.


All of us from countries where applicators aren't a thing: "holy shit biodegradable tampons! wait aren't they already biodegradable?.... wtf is an applicator"


I switched to a cup last year and it was the best choice I ever made. Everyone made fun of me, called it gross. It isn’t gross at all. It took getting used to but I just can’t justify going back to such wasteful products just to make other people comfortable. I will literally never use anything else now. The cup is awesome!


Please make a menstrual cup video!! They are so underrated and such a period gamechanger once you get used to using them. It would be great if you talked about the ecological/economical benefits, maintenance and why they might not be the best option for everyone ( ex. people uncomfortable with vaginal insertion for personal reasons)


The switch to menstrual cups was a huge thing for me while working as a server. Twelve hour shift without the need of changing the pad or a tampon, what a relief! I had to do my research to choose the right cup (high or low cervix, strenght of pelvic muscles as mentioned in the video, flow, etc.), but it was totally worth it. I'm so happy periods aren't taboo anymore and we should normalize other things like discharge as well. Btw reusable pads are great for that, I used them a lot during my pregnancy. :)


I went straight from only ever using pads to using a menstrual cup. Never tried tampons and I was raised in a very conservative family that never talked about sex, anatomy, or period products. The transition was waaaay easier than I expected and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Forgetting about my period for the most part has been life-changing. I can't recommend the Saalt Soft cup enough!


Natural sea sponges are the skeletons of animals. As a biologist who has sensitive skin I'd be really worried about developing a horrible allergy if you shoved an animal product up there regularly.


Menstrual cups are so underrated. I mostly believe that all this "hate" comes from misinformation and no education on this topic. I don't live in the US, and 1 in 5 women might know about them. This is a life changer and every woman should know about all the alternatives..


I'm aussie, and my parents took us on a trip to North America when I was about 14 and I wasn't very good at tracking my period yet so I got a little surprise from aunt flo during the trip and had to buy tampons. I have never been as horrified as when I realised I could only buy them with applicators, it totally freaked me out and I had not idea how they worked, so any time I changed I had to take the tampon out of the applicator because I just couldn't wrap my head around them.

In my opinion, applicators really over complicate the process and I really struggle to wrap my head around why North America have gone down that path.


I love the Thinx period underwear! I have a physical disability, so I used to wear pads all the time (it's hard to get someone else to help insert a tampon properly), but if I unexpectedly started my period when I was by myself, it was hard for me to put a pad in my underwear properly. The Thinx underwear protects better than I thought they would (and I can have heavy flow), and I can actually pull them up by myself. It's great when somebody invents a product that turns out to be handicap accessible when it probably didn't even cross their mind that we could be target consumers. Also, they're prettier than my normal underwear (sad, but true), and they have so many styles, you can find one you like (I like the hiphuggers (shown in this video), but they have boy shorts (very absorbent, but heavy to pull up), bikini style, high-waisted, cotton briefs (although I didn't find those as absorbent), even thongs). The only thing is that they are somewhat pricy ($37 each, but considering how much we probably spend on pads or tampons, I think it's worth it), and I have probably spent more money on them than I need to since I get excited when there are new colors or patterns, lol.


Gonna be honest here, I use a diva cup and sometimes forget it’s there until it overflows (which could be anywhere from 3 to 12 hours depending on day or flow) but it’s so good. Does require a learning curve and you gotta be comfortable with your anatomy, but I love it and have been using it for 6 years.


I love my period undies and wish they'd been available when I was a teenager. Also, some brands have started producing period swimwear, and it is great! As a gal who hates tampons, I love that there's finally an alternative that actually works!
