Why It's Better To Be A Morning Person

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Waking up early is a chore to many people, especially night owls, but according to science being a morning person can hold a world of benefits. Why is that?

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I can't even consider sleep until at least 11 pm, I won't be able to get to sleep any earlier unless I did something physically strenuous. My ideal day would have me falling asleep at around 2-3 am and waking up around 10 am. If I try the "early to bed, early to rise" ideology, I just wake up feeling like I hardly slept at all.


I went to bed at 12 and woke up at 6.... needless to say I feel like complete shit.


Well i stayed up all night til the morning so technically i'm A Morning Person


I would love to be a morning person, unfortunately my situation doesn't allow for that. My mom has renal failure and while she has been going to dialysis since september 2013, she has developed problems because of it. One of them being an addiction to hydrocodone. I'm currently taking her off hydrocodone because she doesn't feel pain from dialysis anymore but she has developed bad anxiety from it. So I often have to stay up, give her some lyrica and make sure she's ok for the rest of the night.

She's also constantly loosing blood, so at any given night, i might have to rush her to the hospital at 3am.

Maybe when I finish school and starting to make enough so that my dad can retire and take care of her. Then i'll be able to be a morning person.


Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy but socially dead


I have delayed sleep phase disorder. I'm one of those people that go to bed comfortably around 6-7 in the morning, I sleep until oh, say, 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Regularly, and I wake without much prompting from an alarm clock. I wake up energetic and productive, I go to work, I socialize, I go out and do things, I am happy and healthy. I get to be awake and alert in the deepest hours of the night and enjoy them in ways most others don't. The smells, sights and sounds I experience are things most people don't really get a chance to, or are too tired to appreciate. People like me are the ones who are on call if you have a sudden medical emergency, or we're maintaining power plants and other utilities, or patrolling in a police cruiser keeping you safe at night, or serving stoners tacos at the drive-thru at 3am. All equally important tasks.

Being an early bird or night owl in my book, are equally important and one is not better than another. So stop trying to be like my mother was when I lived at home and tell me waking up ungodly early is better for me. And before anyone says anything, yes I still experience sunrises and sunsets and get plenty of sunshine in my day. Except like, during winter, when it gets night-dark at 5:30pm, but that doesn't bother me.

TL;DR - this video is debunked. Sorry DNews, still love ya.


2:50 This sounds as true and refreshing as the very idea of camping out in nature itself. Nature is all the body really needs.


The time of day when photosynthesis is most efficient, is the time when oxygen is produced in highest amounts, and this happens in the morning hours when bright sunlight first appears. As the sun rises, the leaf transpires, and the process of photosynthesis begins. In the afternoon, the process is reversed; photosynthesis slows down and respiration increases due to increasing transpiration derived from the increase in temperature. And at night, transpiration slows down and the plant is at ease due to the decrease in temperature.


If I picked the title it would say "Why Morning People Scare me"


i am nocturnal and will always be nocturnal.


Yeah, people were always curious as to why I would wake up early during highschool to do my homework in the morning instead of at night, and it was always because I just couldn't do it at night, and if I did it in the morning, I'd have to spend less time on it.


It depends on the person lol. There are people that are night owls and there are morning owls. For me i hate waking up late feeling like i wasted time and i feeling like crap. I cannot concentrate at night but it is nice staying up late watching Netflix or Hulu til 3am yup that's super late. Then waking up at 11am feeling like crap.


Its deeply ingrained in me to not be awake during most daylight hours especially in summer when its hot.


I have spent years waking up at 0500 for work and hated every day from the moment the alarm went off. I am now on nightshift starting at 1400 and it is the best thing to ever happen. No alarm, no forcing myself to go to bed early, no stress.


"But how does someone stay focused when they're being set on fire?"
Wow, wasn't thinking of that segue


was kind of a late person since i was a musician in my 20s. then became a baker and opened my own bakery, did that for 20 years. so now i am a bonafide morning person and love it. love my morning time, get out shopping early, never have to fight traffic, enjoy the sunrise, get tons of stuff done!


I'm used to sleeping at around 5am to 6am and waking up in the afternoon. No matter how hard I try, it's hard to go back to a normal schedule and still be so productive. :(


I have been getting up at 5.45 every morning for my new job for a couple of months. I love it.
I get up early on the weekend. you get so much more out of your day. I am in bed by 10.30 pm and sleeping by 11.30. try it it's good when you get used to it. I'm typing this at 7am I've already been up for an hour and a half and it's a Saturday.


you convinced my that my night life style is good for my productivity and i'll stick with it :)
