Sorrow for Sin? | Sacrament of Penance: Contrition [Part 1]

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Does someone need to be sorry for their sins in order to be forgiven?
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A lot to think about, thank you for your video!


"Love one another, for love covers a multitude of sins", ( 1 Peter 4:8).


The fact that the person confesses his sorrow for sins to God's ordained minister BEFORE he reads the confession of faith, is pivotal. Even the Bible has a written formula to ask for mercy! Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is True food and Blood True drink


Didn’t Trent just say that contrition is a GIFT FROM GOD. The Church believes we are saved by grace but in a different way than Protestants.


This is very educational! But I will say that I think you throw protestants all under one umbrella. I guess, technically you with the find me as a protestant, but I agree with your teaching.
I don’t even think it was even necessary to mention them.


Maybe the truth can answer all these questions, even to the point where hopefully cause some to start seeking God. Amazingly one of the most clear passages on salvation is in old testament, it'll also clarify why new testament consistantly states that if you sin you have not known God, or also interpreted you have not been saved. Let's look at Ezekiel ch36 verses 25- 32. Now while reading them remember that Jesus said YOU are the ground, he is the sower, grow and bare fruit, get out of the ways of heathen, remember Romans, it says we who believe are Jews, and Jerusalem is of above ( heaven ) and is the mother of us all. (At this point go read Ezekiel ch36 verses 25-32) .Now we see from these passages that God is doing it all, but we are appearing as if we are working, but it is God, we are doing works, but it is not us, it is the spirit in us, this is why it is written " not by our works are we saved, but by God's fulfilled promise, his works. These scriptures also show that we do work after salvation, not us, but him through us, and to answer godly sorrow these scriptures show us that this sorrow comes AFTER the lord gives us a new heart, and a new spirit " Ezekiel ch36 verse 31" THEN shall ye remember your evil ways, and lothe yourselves. These passages line perfectly with Romans ch2 v12- 15. You see no speculation needed, all is given in scripture. Amen ty lord. So then, the next time a man says I do always sin, my hope is in the lord, osas, you will be able to see how foolish the notion is, the lord says if you have the spirit it'll CAUSE YOU TO KEEP his statutes, judgments, ( commandments ), and YOU WILL DO THEM. This is what Paul is talking about in Romans ch 2 verses 12-15, but ppl trying to serve in the flesh will never work, this ordinance of keeping commandments ( in flesh ) was supposed to die with the old man, now being born again walking in spirit you keep the commandments in spirit ( this is the law of christ ) even obeying inwardly ( the law magnifies ) the inside of the cup cleaned. Regarding fear, here is the whole of the matter ; Hear the word, Fear God bringing you to Repentance, ( turning to God for help, and mercy ) peradventure he will give you a new heart ( bringing Godly sorrow ), and a new spirit causing you to walk in all his ways. Amen, God bless , and keep seeking the lord. Let any man not having this doctrine, and teaching others to error be accursed. Love, peace to you. Ty Jesus for fullfing this.


Indeed, Paul warns baptized Christians who break the commandments willfully, God's Eternal Law, and persist in immorality and impurity without repenting, they shall not enter the Kingdom, ( Galatians 5:29, 20, 21, Ephesians 5:5, 6, Romans 11:22). Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is True food and Blood True drink


Jesus Christ gave His ordained ministers the authority to forgive sins in His Name, ( John 20:23, James 5:14)
Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is True food and Blood True drink


Jesus Christ teaches He Who handed Me over to you is guilty of the GREATER sin, ( John 19:11), for John says not all sins are deadly, (1 John 5:17, 18). Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is True food and Blood True drink
