Unity Runtime Editor Basics

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Runtime Editor is a set of scripts, which will help you to implement runtime scene/level editor. Package divided into several parts, could be used together or independently.

♥ Positon handle;
♥ Rotation handle;
♥ Scale handle;
♥ Scene gizmo;
♥ Selection gizmo;
♥ Box selection;
♥ Grid;
♥ Scene view navigation;
♥ Snap To Grid;
♥ Unit Snapping;
♥ Bounding Box Snapping;
♥ Snap To Ground;
♥ Orthographic\Perspective view;
♥ Hierarchy Treeview;
♥ Prefabs Listbox;
♥ Transform component;
♥ Global & Local coordinates;
♥ Assembled editor Prefab;
♥ ExposeToEditor script;
♥ Full Save & Load to PlayerPrefs;
♥ Undo & Redo;
♥ Play & Edit mode;

This Runtime Editor is very basic, no dockable panels, inspector and other windows available in unity editor, etc. There is lack of following important functions:
- Inspector window;
- Prefabs hierarchy;
- Material management;
- Ability to edit standard components other than Transform;
- Ability to edit custom components;
- Dockable panels;
RuntimeSaveLoad component included in this package performs full component serialization of all unity objects, components and custom user scripts. It is not tested very well and may not work as expected. Windows Store builds will work without Save & Load functionality.
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what kind of skin you were using for unity3d.
