Why Kubernetes as a container orchestrator is a right choice for running spark clusters on cloud?

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Building and deploying an analytic service on Cloud is a challenge. A bigger challenge is to maintain the service. In a world where users are gravitating towards a model where cluster instances are to be provisioned on the fly, in order for these to be used for analytics or other purposes, and then to have these cluster instances shut down when the jobs get done, the relevance of containers and container orchestration is more important than ever.

Container orchestrators like Kubernetes can be used to deploy and distribute modules quickly, easily, and reliably. The intent of this talk is to share the experience of building such a service and deploying it on a Kubernetes cluster. In this talk, we will discuss all the requirements which an enterprise grade Hadoop/Spark cluster running on containers bring in for a container orchestrator.

This talk will cover in details how Kubernetes orchestrator can be used to meet all our needs of resource management, scheduling, networking, and network isolation, volume management, etc. We will discuss how we have replaced our home grown container orchestrator with Kubernetes which used to manage the container lifecycle and manage resources in accordance to our requirements. We will also discuss the feature list as container orchestrator which is helping us deploy and patch 1000s of containers and also a list which we believe need improvement or can be enhanced in a container orchestrator.

Speaker: Rachit Arora, SSE, IBM
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