Why Pro DJs are OBSESSED with these 5 DJ Tricks

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#BeginnerDJ #DJScratch #DJTips
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0:00 - Intro
0:48 - Backspin
1:50 - Pad FX
3:18 - Scratch/Cue Drop
5:34 - Delay Filter Accent
6:57 - Noise CFX Accent
9:03 - Pad FX Settings
Technique #1 - Backspin
Using Backspins is an effective way to bring energy to ones set because it hypes up the entrance of the next song.
But the thing is, it can sound pretty bad if not done correctly, so the secret to use Backspins effectively when you’re mixing 2 songs together, is to first activate an echo effect on the track you’ll be backspinning from, then to slightly lower the volume of the track as you near the transition point, then to Backspin the track 2 to 4 beat before the next song reaches its intro.
Technique #2 - Pad FX
So these are my Pad FX settings, and I tend to play around with these effects when I want to spice up a track. So I suggest to copy these settings and to play around with them to do cool Pad FX combos.
Now let’s move on to Technique #3 which is Scratch/Cue Dropping
So as you just saw there this way to transition bypasses mixing, because all you’re doing is just echoing out the previous track away and scratching/cueing the next song in.
Now I personally like to use a 1/2 Echo effect on the previous song right before I scratch/cue drop
Anyway, let’s now move on to Technique #4 which is Delay Filter Accenting
Now, there’s only so much you can do during an EDM Build up, so what most Pro DJ’s do, is that they tend to use the Filter knob and Delay effect to hype up their build up.
So their strategy is to simply turn their Filter Knob clockwise during the build up, and counter clockwise when the build reaches its climax. All while the Delay effect is active and set to either 1/4 or 1/2.
So for this example, we’ll activate our Delay effect, and start turning our Filter knob at Cue Point A, then we’ll bring the Filter knob back to the 12 o’clock position and deactivate our Echo effect at Cue Point B
So that’s the most basic way to use that Delay Filter combo, but if you wanna take it even further, try playing around with the volume fader of the track, as well as the Filter knob as you reach the song’s climax.
Now let’s take this Build Up accenting to another level by using Technique #5 which is Noise CFX Accenting
So what I just used their in place of a Filter and Dub Echo FX is a Noise CFX, and as its names implies, this knob creates White Noise. Along with that, I combined the Noise CFX, with an Echo Effect as well as a Pad FX Trans effect to get that stuttery sound effect.
So all you have to do to do this trick is to first activate an echo effect when you reach the current song’s build up section, then to slowly turn the Noise CFX knob clockwise, then as you near the track’s climax, at the same time, crank the Noise CFX knob clockwise and counter clockwise, and activate a Pad FX trans effect. And when you finally reach the current song’s drop, remember to bring that Noise CFX knob back to the 12 o’clock position and to deactivate the echo effect
See what happens behind the scenes:
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