This Quantum Theory Could Break Reality - And It TERRIFIES Scientists

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Physics has reached a point where many things aren’t directly measurable. If we create a theory that explains everything in the observable universe and requires a multiverse, some scientists would accept that we may never know everything. Others might continue exploring different possibilities, refusing to accept those limits.

Most people would agree that it would be ideal to have a theory of the universe that’s self-consistent, covers everything, and doesn’t rely on things we can’t observe. But that might not be possible.

Some researchers argue that if something can’t be tested in the usual scientific ways, it isn’t real science—it’s pseudoscience. For you, the question is whether the goal of science is to discover the truth about the universe, or just to focus on things that can be proven through experiments.
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Schrödinger brought up this idea to show the idiocy of it on our scale. No, he did not think the cat was in two states. He said, imagine if it worked like that.


Misinterpretation of the Schrodinger experiment. It was to show how when quantum physics is brought up to the everyday scale of everyday physics it makes no sense.


I've always enjoyed science, now 65, but it seems to me we have reached a point of a dog chasing its tail that never catches it. Maybe homo sapien is incapable (probably true in the end) of understanding the universe. Infinity, how can you rationalize that? We've reached a point where the more we learn the more paradoxes we run into. Are we spending tons of money and time on trying to solve the unsolvable? Where is the endgame? How can there even be a beginning and end if Infinity is part of any equation. A singularity, an infinite universe, mulltiverses, leaves science in a quandary. Our eyes can only see a small segment of the electromagnetic spectrum. Maybe our brains are the same. Only capable of understanding a small portion of the universe while most of the universe is unattainable to us. Right now with dark matter and dark energy still a mystery, we only know a small fraction of the universe.


What messes with my head is the whole particles knowing that they are being watched thing, and change their behavior because of it. The Double slit experiment


Consciousness is a quantum field that arises from living organisms


"Schrödinger wanted to critique the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, which suggests that quantum systems exist in superpositions until measured, and that this superposition applies universally. By proposing the scenario with a cat, he illustrated how ridiculous it would be to think of a macroscopic being like a cat as both alive and dead until someone opens the box."


A person sitting next to the cat box won’t know if the cat is dead or alive until the box is opened but another person elsewhere in the universe moving toward the cat will see the future where the cat is either dead or alive. Like in the Andromeda paradox where one person knows the Andromedans are invading and the other person doesn’t. People don’t like to think about the block universe where the past, present and future just are. Where it’s all fixed. The cat was dead or alive when the block universe was created.


Quantum Mechanics says that subatomic particles don't have definite boundaries but are fuzzy in the three space dimensions. Relativity says that time is equivalent to a fourth dimension of space. Therefore it seems to me that subatomic particles and events are fuzzy in the time dimension as well. If two causally linked events are sufficiently close together in time, it may be impossible to say which event caused which.


After a video I saw about what would happen if time stopped, I believe that the way quantum entanglement works is that when a quantum process interacts with an undetermined spin state the measurement causes the universe to briefly stop time then take a snapshot of the spin position then simultaneously create a opposite spin then resume.

Quantum entanglement is instant and there's no information that's transferred my belief is that just like what would happen if time stopped no information would be transferred. One measurement would be made time would stop any other would be made during that brief period of time stopping.


No expert, but my understanding of Bell's inequality theorem doesn't suggest clocks can't stay in step, it was to do with suggesting there were no hidden variables solving the issue of entanglement. Clocks can keep time (in practice clocks in different frames are unlikely to remain in synchronisation, but that's surely a different issue). Meanwhile have you reached the scary paradox part of the video yet ?


my dumbass cat will surely break the poison vial so thats a 100% probability.


The problem with the Schrodinger's cat scenario is that the Geiger counter would have measured the radioactive decay or not detected any, and thus, the measurement would have been made and the cat is either dead or alive but not both. The idea that a human observer has to confirm the measurement is just silly egocentricism.


Let us take into consideration that the cat has 9 lives...


At 3:53, triangle with dots what are those ? I can see them and few different kind floating in atmosphere.. ?


Oh and it's not observation that casues decoherence but "measurements". Measuring does not need an observer.


My problem with the cat in a box is this... I dont see said cat as both alive and dead, I see it being alive or dead .


The fundamentals is a forward time arrow. Without it all would stop. The next is space without borders, the next is the energy keeping the space itself, a 3d space.


What if the double slit expirement was looking into a cats eyes 🤯


There is a universe that Schrodinger had a DOG and that my friends is mind bending!!!


Just a thought.... If consciousness plays a roll in shaping reality, Then maybe the super advanced society that existed around 20, 000 years ago collectively thought and believed things into existance? For example, you get a 100 or so people together playing horns and chanting at a certain frequency with the beleif that all of that energy would levitate a massive 5 ton rock into the air and put it in place at the top of a cliff... That collective conscious belief bends reality to make it possible???
