Marine Corps Officer Oath of Office

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Every Marine swears an oath to support and defend our Constitution. Hear newly commissioned Marine Corps Officers recite the Oath of Office during a commissioning ceremony at the Marine Corps Museum.

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely; and without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter; So help me God.”

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About the United States Marine Corps:

The Marine Corps defends the people of the United States at home and abroad. Within every Marine is the willingness to engage and determination to defeat any adversary, and it is this fighting spirit that allows us to fight and win our Nation’s battles.

The mission of the United States Marine Corps is made up of three promises: We make Marines, we win our Nation’s battles, and we develop quality citizens prepared to fight and win battles.

You don’t join the Marines—you become one, forged in the crucible of training aboard our recruit depots on Parris Island, South Carolina, and in San Diego, California, or through the dedication required of officer candidates at Officer Candidates School in Quantico, Virginia. Beyond the physical requirements, aspiring Marines must prove they have the honor, courage, and commitment to face and defeat any obstacle.

Today, more than 180,000 enlisted Marines and 23,000 Marine Officers serve in active duty or reserve forces on bases and in communities around the world, proudly carrying with them the core values of the Marine Corps.

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To all you future devil puppies, work hard, take nothing for granted, be a sponge and learn, learn, learn. Best of luck to you all and just remember, smile at the pain coming your way it will make you stronger. Semper Fi my future brothers, fight hard and God bless.


My son became a Marine March 15 2013 one of the proudest day's of my life !! Congratulations PFC Johnathan Sparks .


My father was a Marine for 8 years. Growing up its all iv ever wanted in life was to be able to say the same, he instilled courage in me and that my character will define me throughout my life. My dream of Becoming a Marine is what gets me through the day. In two years, once i graduate highschool i plan on joining the few and the proud, and when i take that oath ill feel the greatest accomplishment of my life.


Thank you. I plan on going to the Naval Academy after high-school (Only if by chance, I get accepted), and after that, a long career in the Corps. God Bless you, and thank you for your service.


Hi Doug - I took it at the Base Theater December '87. At the time - twenty years earlier seemed like ancient history. But now I realize how close in time we really were. In '89 I served in 1/9 with Marines who were with the Walking Dead in '69.

I highly recommend that every Marine get to our museum. It is simply the best Museum any Marine or civilian will visit.

Semper Fi.


What a great place to take the oath at Quantico; National Museum of the Marine Corps I took the oath June 1967 at the base theater.


"support our troops" is a slogan that is often used but rarely practiced.


Only a few more months until I get to speak these words and commission as a Lieutenant.


Will never forget the day I took this oath! #TheFewTheProud


Still chokes me up every time I hear it.


Took my Oath in July 1977 at the Quantico Base Theater, sworn in by then Maj.Gen. (later Commandant Gen.) P.X. Kelly, with Ass't Commandant Gen. Jaskilka also presiding. Sergeant Instructor McElfish stationed himself at the top step outside the base theater to give me by first salute and collect my silver dollar - plus about 30 more from other new lieutenants.


Randomly, this video arrived on my display this morning (19 AUG 22). That’s somewhat amazing — and very poignant — because in three days, it will be precisely 53 years ago since I subscribed to the same lifelong, life altering, and utterly solemn oath.

For the generations younger officers, I respectfully suggest this vow requires your performance and comportment to be nothing less than stellar, it mandates that no efforts on your part are too great, and it necessitates your treating every person who serves (and their family members) with respect and dignity. Moral courage, tenacity, leadership by example, ceaseless hard work, and capitalizing on every opportunity to learn, to increase your professional abilities, to help your comrades in arms, and to better serve our nation are your success metrics. Please believe me, you have not opted for an easy life, BUT the return you should earn by serving America and its people is far greater than the sacrifices you will make.


Regardless of what I am currently facing, I will prove myself worthy, giving more than what I offered. I will say my oath I aim to keep and will work hard to earn the privileged title United States Marine.


Our military has sworn to uphold the constitution. We need them now!


I’m a junior currently and I will do whatever it takes to become a marine or marine officer. I apply for the academy and nrotc scholarship next year wish me luck.


My baby boy, Jordan, well take his “oath of enlistment” today at Fort Dix, New Jersey! I am so happy, of course, nervous and worried, but extremely proud of him! I hope they live stream it, but I was told most likely they don’t live stream them, but posted afterwords? Does anyone know?


Becoming an officer of Marines . . . congratulations and Semper Fi.


I love you all So Much and I Will always Stand with all Of you, Much love and God-bless The United States Of America! .. Congratulation's And Much Respect's #GoOfficer  


This video goes without saying: if you know, you know. The oath of office is one that you never forget, in and out of uniform!


Semper Fi 'MyPointSales'. I was briefly in 1/9 in 1972. In 2007 as a civilian contractor I had a opportunity to revisit the 1/9 Hq at Camp Schwab. You can see the video on YouTube if you search on 'former hq 1st Bn 9th Marines 1972'.
