Harry Potter Character Tier List (Ranking Video)- HOT TAKE ALERT

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At 10:05 I meant it's based on the books not the films, but I'm sure you figured that out on your own


Suprised at the take on Dumbledore. He’s a very complex character.


Not being the boring good grandpa is exactly what makes dumbledore such an interesting character for me


Snape is the most complex and well written character in the series, definitely not a good person but we all have to accept that Rowling did an amazing job with Snape’s character.


Honestly Draco fans took “hate the character, respect the actor” to ANOTHER LEVEL


“Malfoy sucks and the only reason people like him is because Malfoy is hot” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I love this


Harry is so underrated in his own series, just because of how he behaved in the 5th book. I don't know how people don't sympathize with him more. The poor boy was just 15, he saw his friend being killed, saw Voldie rise again, got tortured, saw the ghost of his dead parents, no one believed him about Voldie, and he was getting bashed by everyone in the Wizarding World, He was sent to live with people who hated him, he had no news from the Wizarding World, he got attacked by dementors and then had a trial just because he defended himself, Dumbledore ignored him, Umbitch was torturing him, He could barely get any sleep as he was having strange dreams, he also saw Voldemort killing/torturing people in his sleep, then finally he lost Sirius- his only family and he blamed himself for it. The list is SO long and I am sure I missed mentioning something or the other. If you think about It is surprising he stayed so pure-hearted and had such strong morals right to the end. Every adult failed him and all he did was have some anger issues (Not to forget some of it was also because Voldie was trying to possess him).

Also, I get that he was rash but really he had saved Mr Weasly's life because of the dream he had and Sirius was his ONLY family, i completely understand that he went to save Sirius. And really I also blame it on Dumbledore, he didn't even really warn Harry that this could happen, and is Snapr really the best person to teach Harry Occlumency. like really ?! Not to forget he checked with Krecher and Krecher lied and said that Sirius wasn't at Grimmauld


I think one of the reasons that the trio are not in the top tiers is just because we have closely read about most of their actions or emotions, we have seen the good and the bas sides (which is the case for most people, well, except umbridge) I feel. Characters like ginny and others are truly side characters so we mostly see figments of their personalities (plus given that the book is from Harry's POV, ginny is obviously gonna look better).


Dudley’s redemption is honestly one of my favourite things in the franchise, the way he just says “I don’t think you’re a waste of space” is so sweet, and is one of the most amazing moments


Book Ginny: Fierce, loyal, great character development

Movie Ginny: “sHoElAcE”


I feel like what's so great about Harry as a character is that he feels like such real character. Where he annoys me is where I annoy myself in life.


Thanks for not forgetting about Snape’s bullying of his students! Yeah he ended up saving Harry’s life and all but that still doesn’t justify the bullying, especially for Neville who didn’t even do anything to justify it.


I don't get this list: Are you ranking how entertainment good these characters are or how morally good the characters are? 'Cause you put a lot of people in lower tiers for being morally bad yet your favorite character is one you've ranked as second on most evil (Voldemort as #1 most entertaining character is very valid) I'm just confused. Is it likability?


This is my hot take… but I think Ron was in the right when it comes the the whole scabbers and crookshanks thing, like yeah because we found it scabbers was Peter pettigrew then it was fine but they didn’t know that. And Hermione to me was being careless and didn’t bother about making sure crookshanks was away from scabbers and wouldn’t listen to Ron when he was concerned about his pet being killed. Yeah Ron might have took it too far, but I think he wasn’t in the wrong if you don’t think of him as Peter pettigrew, it’s normal to be upset.


I love how you always use that image whenever you're talking about Vernon


Sirius Black is the best character. Basing off of how well they were portrayed in the books and movies, this is true. He was so impactful with Snape a hatred and everything, I just loved him as a character. Kinda like how Voldemort was so well portrayed as a villain, Sirius, was well portrayed as a villain and a hero.

Snape was also written so well. I love Snape as a character.


Umbridge evoking so much hate towards her is exactly what makes her a great character. And her actress in the movie just nails it perfectly.


It's funny because Umbridge irritates me so much that it literally makes me not want to read the 5th book sometimes


Yeah, Alot of people like Draco in teh films because of Tom Felton but another reason is that Draco's just more redeemable in the films in my opinion. They cut out a lot of awful things he did such as laughing at Cedrics death and instead made him look sad while Dumbledore was acknowledging Cedric. They also show him being depressed from the start of the 6th film while in the start fo the 6th book he was bragging about his task and he was rarely shown bullying other students. The movies make him seem more sympathetic to me.


I was very satisfied with Malfoy's character. I feel like he was able to move on from his past, which I do think he deserved to be able to do, but I also don't feel like he was over reawarded.

Like, he didn't get this big, grand redemption arc and become one of the hero's.
He was just able to mature past his ways and live a relatively normal life, where he hopefully didn't pass on any of his previous beleifs to Scorpius.

It feela very realistic. Sometimes bad people change, and are just able to live. Some people may think it's unfair, some think they deserve more; the point is, it happens, and all we can really do is accept it.

I'm glad Draco didn't go full evil, and I'm glad he didn't die in some noble sacrifice that was meant to magically redeem all the shitty things he ever did ( Or else we would've ended up with Albus Severus Draco Potter 🙄). I'm glad he just lived normally.
