A follow-up to my video about ssoyoung

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Just a follow-up to talk about the video and my thoughts and response to some of the comments I was getting!

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In my culture the animal isn't allowed to even see the knife before its dead, because it could stress to the animal before it dies.


I used to think it was cultural until every Asian person I talked to were like nope we don’t do that ..

It’s almost as if it’s racist to believe or assume that’s how Asian people eat - at minimum it’s unfairly stereotypical


Its frustrating how someone feeding their snake a frozen mouse can get demonetized, and this girl is just out here being like this. smh.


I'm Vietnamese and Chinese, and I feel like it's necessary to clear up how the "culture" excuse is just that... and excuse. In Asian cultures, when preparing seafood, even in poorer parts of the country, we respect what we eat and make sure to end the animals life in the most comfortable way possible. There should be no question on whether this woman is doing the right thing or not. The animals she uses in her videos are already going to eaten in the end, but making it suffer for views isn't okay...


So sad you feel you even have to defend yourself. There's no way to justify what she's doing. Octopi are incredibly intelligent. Just because an animal can't scream doesn't mean it's not torture.


Being from Spain this reminds me of bullfighting. People who support it say its culture, tradition, art... They say bulls don't feel anything. It's just legal animal abuse that moves a lot of money. Sometimes traditions are cruel and dated and we need to grow and be better than that


I’m so glad that you mentioned the thing about Chinese culture involving eating dogs. Because the fact of the matter is, some cultures would be horrified about how often & nonchalantly Americans eat beef/cows. I’ve been saying this for years but no one ever talks about it bc people really only think it’s okay to eat/torture animals that aren’t considered “pets”


I agree with every point and this is so sad. there's no culture in animal cruelty.


I have an issue with what she does because, even if it's a cultural thing, it should be done by a professional chef who knows how to prepare said animal with the least amount of pain involved. She doesn't seem to know what she's doing AT ALL. That's what's cruel to me.


I despise people who speak up for cute, fluffy animals they love and help them but then those people turn their backs on “ugly” slimy, weird animals and say, “it’s fine to torture them”.
That pisses me off, how can you call yourself a animal lover if you dont treat all animals the same? If you cant stand up for every animal, even the ones you dislike, then dont call yourself a animal lover.


Animals don’t have race and it has nothing to do with it, I’m so glad your standing up for what you believe in as in most of us believe in as well. Your amazing and have my full support ❤️ hopefully one day we all can be enlightened and we can care about all species


I’m Mexican with a Spanish great grandmother, and bull fights/ rooster fights are a BIG part of the culture. I HATE it and even though it’s part of our culture it does NOT make it okay. And I’m sick of people using culture as an excuse to do horrible things. It’s not okay, and it’s not racist to point it out. It’s 2020 for crying out loud. This shouldn’t even be a discussion.

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.


I’m Vietnamese and my mom has never killed anything live to eat. I don’t think it is part of the Asian culture at all to do what she is doing. Even with crabs I will try to freeze them to make sure they are “sleeping” before cooking them or prefer to buy them already dead. I don’t think torturing animals and playing with them before eating them is okay at all. That is terrible.


I'm on your side dude this is not ok


My husbands culture HATES Jews...
He grow up with it and they taught him "why" the Jews are bad....
But then he met me... I am Jewish!
Just because culture is taught doesn't mean it is right
He agrees and we are raising our kids to know what's right and wrong (we have two babies)
My husbands now tries to educate his family (especially his grandparents) about how we are basically the same!

Both of our religions are basically the same LOL
He is Muslim and I am Jewish!


It's sad that if this was a puppy everyone would hate it, it's still the same. This isnt even a matter of race. Its abuse. It's so disappointing that this is the way humanity is going. Like turning this into a debate on racism is completely irrelevant and pointless. Also ik someones gonna get pissed but this is the same as halal meat, it's still abuse. I need to do more research on that tho


There's people defending her? Smh I've been to Japan and that's not how they prepare food...


"If they were doing it to a cute animal..." What're talkin about?! Cephalopods are adorable ☺️


It broke my heart seeing the animals tortured like that. How can people get entertained by that?? You are absolutely right, good on you for putting your thoughts out there! More people needed to know about this! IT IS NOT OKAY TO MISTREAT ANY ANIMAL! If you are gonna eat animals at least put them out of their misery and kill them humanely!


I'm so happy that you DID post it. You have to stand up for something you believe in. The real downer is that you have to make these videos at all, because of other peoples choices. Thankyou for having the moral compass to speak out against this horrific thing happening on this platform. I hope your videos, and videos like yours, will help change YouTube acceptance of content that is harmful to animals around the world.
