How To Play Lucio - Tips & Tricks - Overwatch 2 Guide

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Lucio is one of few heroes in the support role who arguably has one of the more unique playstyles in Overwatch 2. A lot of new players stray away from Lucio due to him seeming difficult or do not understand his abilities. Worry no more! This guide will teach you how to play Lucio in Overwatch 2.


🎵 Music:

Can You Feel the Sunshine - Sonic R OST
Super Sonic Racing Theme
Infinite Azure - Round 1 (Moonsiders 1st) - Tekken 7 OST
Let the Speed Mend It - Sonic and The Secret Rings OST
Solaris Phase 2 - Sonic The Hedgehog OST
Trauma Center DS 2 - Gentle Breeze

Outro: Night Expo - Oh Sees

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Tip for people playing on Controllers: To more easily wall ride and aim, you can reassign the jump control to be swapped with where boop (his knockback attack, officially known as soundwave) would be. You don’t use boop as much as you should be jumping, and it should be easier to play Lucio like this than without.


Pretty solid guide especially for beginners, my two biggest criticisms are that:
1. Speed isn’t just for moving people back to the fight, you want to use it to reposition. People mistake speed for aggression but it isn’t necessarily, speed is repositioning. For example if you are engaging you may feel inclined to speed, but if you have heroes such as sojourn or soldier that play at longer ranges you may well not need to speed. Equally you may feel like you are close to the enemy so you don’t want to speed, but if your reaper for example still needs to gap close then saving speed for that can be effective.

2. You won’t necessarily be mainly using heal amp as you don’t want to take too much healing from your other support, only heal amp when necessary as you want your flex support to get ult as fast as possible. Instead of a general rule I would recommend thinking of it as more of a question in your head: will your teammate(s) die without amp heals? And will my teammates be able to be fully effective without amp speed? (In terms of positioning, effective range etc)

A final general tip is to just stay on walls as much as you can, and then more.

-t500 Lucio


bro has that adhd tutorial, the sound effects had me DYING
very helpful :D


I never play support, but Lucio immediately became my favourite. He is so fun!


As a Diamond Lucio player since 2016, I disagree with staying on heals. You get more value staying on speed than healing. If you’re a healbot as Lucio, then you might as well play Brig as she does the same thing but better.

Lucio’s healing, unless amped, sucks. The best thing to do is constantly switch between both depending on the situation. If a teammate is about to die, it’s better to speed them out, than heal them. Lucio’s primary value is his speed. You need to use him to allow your teammates to get in an out of battle at a rapid pace to confirm kills and escape from dangerous situations. If you remain on heals, you’re actually providing less value than you think.


It’s really hard to find straight forward easy to follow and entertaining hero guides but this was all of that thank you sm.


Jokes aside, I love that you cover positioning too. Huge part of the game, often neglected


thank you. i’m tired of feeling like i don’t know what im doing when using lucio😭🤣


First time on your channel, love how you explained it, and it was actually engaging. Cant wait to see more!


”Babe wake up! Toasty uploaded yet another S tier guide!”


The length I go to too relearn my main solid guide but I knew most of this😅 but if your new to t he character this is the best place to start🎉


Ik i play Lucio weirdly but i prefer to think of him as a dps with a strong healing ability and he is extremely good at staying alive so if you are trying to distract the enemy team by jumping behind them or are trying to contest he is great(keep in mind that if the enemy team is good at aiming you might need to play less agressivly)


A tip for people who cant use wall ride much bc its x. Make wall riding l1 and the switch from heal and speed to x.


I did not know the walls were doing so much harm during my abilities. I just started him.


Fun fact about tip 5: dying will also prevent you from hitting the ground... So don't do it if you're so low you'll die or if there's an instant kill ult 😅

- Sincerely, A Lucio Main Who Learnt This the Hard Way Too Many Times


Nearing in on my 100 hours on Lucio mark….. man I fucking love playing this hero so much. If you’re here cuz he looks fun and you want to try him, I highly recommend it.


I noticed you have wall jump on release on. I recommend turning it off. It makes wall riding much smother after you get used to it. Also amping speed is a lot better because you can push into the enemy team when their weak, or pull out and kite! Good video though.


Love the use of sonic soundtracks throughout the vid


Thank you for this guide it helped me so much Thank you


As a Lucio main, the comment he made at 3:16 is a very common thing to see in game chat. You do the boop off the map technique and you end up getting A LOT of hate! When it comes to heal vs speed, you have to pay attention to EVERYONE on your team! Is everyone healed up? Cool beans you're doing good. If y'all are just chilling there waiting for the other team to roll back in after a team kill, keep an eye on EVERYWHERE. Speed is great for when you are trying to move around quickly or you are trying to get back at the point. But it is also really good for when your team is doing basic fighting while everyone seems healed up. You see someone getting half way down, then switch to heals real fast to get their health up. Unless you see them running away, at that point stay on the speed. I do think that staying on speed unless you see someone low is ideal only because if you stay on heal and everyone is healed up, you're not doing anything because there is nothing to heal. So pay really close attention.

Thank you for touching base on positioning. You have no idea how many times I have seen other Lucio players try to be the one man army style. Rolling in before anyone else trying to 1v5 the other team just to get obliterated. Don't sit still, keep moving. You can tell someone is a Lucio main when they are another character and they don't sit still in the spawn area. They're doing spins and tornados and all that running around like a mad person. Even if you're not though, spawn is a great place to get your blood going and start your movement and start practicing angles and such before the match starts. Especially on a character you don't play a lot with. Nonetheless, great video. Got bored and ended up on a spiral of video watching on YouTube and landed on you. Love your video my dude!
