QGIS Quick Tip - Building a Processing Model

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Repetitive tasks in QGIS can be automated in the Model Builder.

Here I show how you can create a very simple model to start with, but models can be made very complex if you need it to.

This video was inspired by a user who asked me to help with a processing problem. The solution wasn't that hard, but not entirely easy to figure out.

Check out the rest of the QGIS Quick Tips in the playlist and subscribe to the channel.

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Stunning Klas, great pill of QGIS knowledge in a minutes. Thanks to this I´ve understood some questions that I had about the modeler. Regards!


Hi there Klas! I really like your videos on QGIS and I've recently started using the model builder which really speeds up my workflow. This might be a silly question but is there a way to tell the model builder to stack and rename the output layers in a certain way? My models often produce 4 or more layers and they often end up scrambled in the layers panel with the same name (output).

Hejsan Klas och tack för en grym kanal! Detta kanske är höjden av lathet men jag undrar ifall det är möjligt att få model builder att placera output-lagren i en viss följd (så att exempelvis en terrängskuggning hamnar längst ned och överlagras av markfuktighetskartan samt höjdkurvor). På samma vis undrar jag ifall man kan döpa sin output? Har inte lyckats hitta denna funktion.



Thank you for your video I have a question, I would to classify wetlands according to water index and NDVI index, how can I make a condition for raster e, g if water index >1 this cell is water, and if water index < 1 and NDVI > 0.5 is high vegetation, another condition e.g if water index <1 and NDVI between 0.5 and 0.125 is low condition and so on.


Sir how can I take the Input name as output name in batch processing in model?


Hi Klas! If I create a model in qgis, can I share it with multiple people
