What is InputStreamReader in Java? | Java IO | Java Tutorial

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## Bridge Between Bytes and Text: Unveiling InputStreamReader in Java (Java IO)!

Text files are essential for data storage, but Java deals with bytes! This video introduces `InputStreamReader`, the bridge that unlocks the world of text files in your Java programs.

We'll delve into the exciting world of Java I/O (Input/Output) and explore the power of `InputStreamReader`:

* **Beyond the Raw:** Standard `InputStream` deals with raw bytes, which aren't human-readable. `InputStreamReader` acts as a translator, converting those bytes into characters based on a specified character encoding (like UTF-8).
* **Character Decoding Magic:** We'll explain character encoding and how `InputStreamReader` uses it to interpret the byte sequences in a file and represent them as the characters you expect (letters, numbers, symbols).
* **Paired for Success:** `InputStreamReader` often works alongside `FileReader`, which is specifically designed for text files. Together, they provide a seamless way to read text data from files.

By the end of this video, you'll be an `InputStreamReader` champion, confidently using it to read text from files in your Java programs. You'll understand how character encoding plays a crucial role in this process.

**Ready to unlock the secrets of text files in Java? Subscribe for more in-depth tutorials!**

What is InputStreamReader in Java? | Java IO | Java Tutorial

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