Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth in 4 Minutes

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Context is key. Especially in the word of truth. Full video below.

The RAPTURE & Rightly Dividing the Resurrection Timeline | 2 Timothy 2:15

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Undeniable. Perfectly in context. Should be indisputable. (Somehow I expect you’ll hear otherwise.)


What’s interesting about 1 Cor 15 is in verse 23-24 Paul gives the prophetic order of the resurrection. Verses 51-53 show the mystery side which is the rapture. They already knew about the second coming.


Brother Paul believed in the resurrection rapture and we will witness the father give the son the kingdom in Heaven with the scroll so the son can start to destroy his enemies and finish them of in the second coming with the church. You are interpreting the resurrection wrong. But Love You bro in Jesus name. Let's keep praying for Israel. :)


So why did Paul reassure us that we would be raptured and not suffer the Tribulation Judgement? Why did Jesus assure the Church of Philadelphia? Can you give some concise answers, please? Thanks Bro!


Thanks for the short version. The full video was excellent as well. Don’t even fret the angry rigid. It’s the way it’s always been. The whole world fights against Occam’s razor, and even more so when it defies groupthink.


Scott, is the video that came with so much backlash that got you kicked off of social media still online somewhere? We lost so many podcasters at that time. I truly believe you have much insight. Is there somewhere I can watch it again? Your perspective is confirming some thoughts I had as a young adult just learning while world events are going on. As tensions are getting out of control, it'd be nice to be able to hear your perspective again. I really do think you have much insight on all of this.


So please answer this Scottie then maybe I might just listen.

If all of Paul’s letters are written to Israel, What a must a gentile do to be saved during this current dispensation ? What do we do to receive salvation ?.

I’m genuinely asking so I can an understanding of what it is you’re saying.


I agree with you we should take things in Context, but tell me how are we saved today?]


Scott, I've been in the same camp, (a dispensationalist, and a rightly divider.) You and I have even had conversations before, (texts) pertaining to these things/doctrine. That being said, the more I study, the more I have problems fitting certain scriptures/events (I.e the Rapture) into that framework. Doesn't mean I'm throwing "everything" away, (law vs grace) However, I would love to know what your views are (now) on Paul's revelations, (the mystery, Paul's gospel) mid-acts, dispensation of grace, Israel vs the Church, etc.


Hello bro! I hope all is well. In Judaism (Jews' religion) someone who knew the scriptures very well was called "cutters", or "dividers of the law." 2 Timothy 3:15 adds the fact that Timothy knew the scripture since he was young. That scripture was the law. Stands to reason that that is the context of 2 Timothy 2:15.
Timothy was dealing with Jews who were poor "cutters, " aka dividers of the law.
This verse has been misused by my fellow dispensationalists, but the concepts behind dividing God's dealings with man via ages and stages is still the best way to be a "workman."


So the body of Christ goes when and where??

I feel like we are nothing now. 😢


I think Paul uses the word dispensation three times I don't know for sure because I don't have the app. How do you explain dispensations?


The old testament saints resurected with christ. The church will resurect before the great tribulation when christ receives the scroll from the father to execute judgement at the throne room of God and the church will be there at the throne room. The last is death at the white throne judgement. Our brother scotty missed the fact that jesus start to rule from heaven. The moment he open those seals. Everything under his feet because he star to jusge from heaven. Marenatha


I'm a gentile. Did Jesus die for my sins too. Can I have eternal life if I believe Jesus is Lord.


Sooo …is it safe to say the dividing of truth is another tool in the toolbox labeled “ways to study Gods Word”?


Actually, you are grossly distorting context. The context of 2 Timothy 2:15 would be the whole epistle. Paul was aware his time was short and that he was passing the torch to Timothy and exhorts him to be faithful "Hold fast to forms of sound words which thou hast heard from me, " reminding him of those who have turned away and deserted him naming among them Phygellus and Hermogenes. 2Ti2:01 Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2Ti2:02 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also."

If 2:15 has any specific context, it is the verse preceding it (2:14 -Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers.) Instead, he should study to show himself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth. And the context of rightly dividing the word of truth is the words directly proceeding it. Which is what "those people" as you now call them, reasonably conclude, as does anyone who every diagrammed a sentence.

I feel very sad for you Scott. In retrospect, maybe I shouldn't be surprised given your track record. I can't believe the way you denigrate and mischaracterize teaching you once espoused. Noticed too the embedded paypal reminder. Maybe that says it all. But here's a suggestion. Why don't you do one of your split videos debating those things you think are so objectional in dispensational teaching with Paul Lucas if he will agree and see how you fare. I would appreciate that if only for clarity because you seem so out there now I can't quite make heads or tails of you anymore and it would be an opportunity for a thoughtful and well-grounded person in the Mid Acts folks you now cast aspersions on to speak to your criticisms.


2 Timothy 2:15 is...In the CONTEXT of Paul's remarks to Timothy, Paul instructs young Timothy to give diligence to show through his study/working that he is BOTH seeking and has God's approval... that he is teaching the word of truth both "correctly and directly".

Nothing in the CONTEXT of the passage indicates that Paul is telling Timothy to literally parse or literally divide God's truth, and 2Tim 2:15 is certainly NOT said in the CONTEXT of the resurrection only! Some have forgotten that ALL of the Bible is God's message and should be "handled correctly"!

Paul IS telling Timothy to handle God's word properly, correctly, accurately! This is the only way for anyone to seek God's approval and obtain it !


Please explain Galatians 2 and Ephesians 3 then? There is a reason for why Saul or latter Paul was called too be apostle. All through Pauls epistles he explains why. The Body of Christ was a mystery hid in God before the foundation of the world. The Kingdom prophecies was since the world began, two totally different dispensations. Scotty is wrong and needs too repent of his thinking. The bible is truth, but satan can use it too decieve people if they dont rightly divide.


AT HIS COMING... is what the NT calls it. The ONE and only return of the Lord for His church (which is the physical manifestation of His kingdom on earth). And His return will be NO secret!

(Some call this return by a man supplied name - the "rapture" - but not all have the same meaning for this word.)

When one recognizes the ORDER of the events that are to take place (and removes all of the speculations that man inserts), one can see clearly what is to happen.
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The ORDER of Events:

1 Thessalonians 4 and 1 Corinthians 15 speak of the SAME event.

The Lord will indeed return one day in LIKE manner as He left (Acts 1:11), and this is "in the clouds" – 1Ths.4:17.

-At His coming... those “in Christ”, that are alive will not “prevent” (precede) those that have died “in Christ”. 1Ths. 4:15

-At His coming... the dead in Christ will be “made alive” -
resurrected (1Cor.15:22).
These "dead in Christ" are going to rise (bodily resurrection) WHEN the Lord descends from heaven - 1Ths. 4:16

-At His coming... ALL that are Christ's (1Cor.15:23), BOTH living and those dead, shall then be “caught up together in the clouds” to “meet the Lord IN THE AIR” and “so shall [they] ever be with the Lord’ ! 1 Ths. 4:17

--“THEN” comes "the END" when the kingdom (the church) is delivered UP to the Father! (1 Cor.15:24)

NOTE: This is "the END" – NOT the beginning of something new on earth! There will never be an earthly kingdom – Christ will NOT rule upon the earth, but rather Jesus rules NOW from Heaven! (1 Cor. 15:25, cf. Acts 2:33-34, Eph. 1:20, Heb. 8:1)

NO "years of tribulation" as man teaches! These things are NOT read about in reference to what the NT calls... AT His coming!

"For He must reign..." This verse tells us that Christ HAS BEEN RULING when He returns.
Christ rules NOW at the right hand of God until "THEN". Christ rules NOW as King over His kingdom that will be “delivered up to God” - "THEN" !
(Acts 2:25-36, cf. 1 Cor.15:25, cf. Heb. 10:12-13)

Jesus said that He had gone to PREPARE A PLACE (John 14:2-3) that WHERE He is, those that are Christ's "at His coming", may be also.
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Why would some believe that the resurrection had already happened?- Mat 27:52  And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,  
Mat 27:53  And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. - Pretty obvious why people might think the resurrection of the dead took place. But this may have been the first fruits of Israel? 1Co_15:23  But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. Rev_14:4  These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. Firstfruits whats your thoughts on the 144 000 from the tribes already taken.?
