No Claim Discount Protection | esure

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Being found at fault in a claim following an incident can mean your hard-earned No Claim Discount will be reduced, which is why back up is so important. Our No Claim Discount Protection ensures the discount won’t be impacted by any claims made. After all, even the safest motorists occasionally encounter a hard drive…

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Home and Motor Insurance is underwritten by esure Insurance Limited, who are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority number 203350.

It’s never a good feeling to have years of hard work suddenly lost.
And being found at fault in a claim following an incident can mean just that - as your hard-earned No Claim Discount will be reduced. Which is why back-up is so important.

With our No Claim Discount Protection, that’s exactly what you get. While it doesn’t guarantee your premium will stay the same each year, it does ensure the discount applied won’t be impacted by any claims made.

If you have four or more years of No Claim Discount, you can protect it at the start or when you renew your policy, for just a small additional annual cost – your discount will then stay intact, even if you later need to make a claim!
After all, even the safest motorists occasionally encounter a hard drive…

Sorry. We’ll leave the puns and just stick to offering great insurance.
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Quick question, who earns the NCB, the policy holder or the main driver?


Absolute rip off, just another add on that makes the broker money, I protected my no claims, my car was parked and a van reversed into it, I had no witnesses other than my wife, the van driver claimed I had reversed into him, however, that bit is irrelevant, my insurers said it may go 50 50, the next year my premium went up by 20%, when I queried this reminding them that my no claims was protected, they said, yes, it’s not gone up because of the claim, it’s just an increase in general, everyone will be experiencing it, ( my wife’s insurance on her car actually went down on renewal).
Don’t pay for this rip off, that is exactly what it is.
