Unity 4.0 - Mecanim Animation Tutorial

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Learn how to create animated characters with the new Mecanim animation system in Unity 4.0.

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More than 7 years and this is still the most useful Mecanim tutorial


11 years in and this is one of the best mecanim tutorial that I found out there


For those with the problem of the head not working (the IK) and a message in console saying something about OnAnimatorIK();

If you are using Unity 5, you can no longer use Animator.SetLookAtPosition and SetLookAtWeight in FixedUpdate (as it was coded in this video, which was made in Unity 4). Therefore, you have to translate those lines to OnAnimatorIK(), deleting them from Fixed Update in order to not have the errors in the console anymore. It would be something like this:

void OnAnimatorIK (int layerIndex) {


And remember to enable the IK pass on the animator's layer.


for some reason this tutorial has better animation system that the actual standard asset starter thirdperson controller


FYI. Now is April, 2020. First of all, I marked the time code for your reference. Then, I just finished this tutorial with Unity 2019.3.10f1. I am very new to Unity (only a few days) and had 3D animation experience before, no real coding background. I am surprised with this is still a useful tutorial. Thanks for the people who commented and pointed out it's still works. Otherwise I wouldn't dare to try. After I walked through everything, I only had a little trouble with:
1. Opening the tutorial assets. (I googled how to open old Unity project... but now I don't remember clearly how... )
2. Robot head doesn't turn and face to the Enemy.
3. My bot only walk, no run. (Most of comments said they only can run and no walk)
4. As soon as I hit play, the green walls in game all fall down.
Any solutions?
time code for your reference
0:39 Character Setup -Making an Avatar for the character
2:47 Light Probes explaintion
3:19 Adding Animation Controller (Rig to Humanoid); Preview Animation Assets ; Building Controller; Create Animator; State Machine
5:46 Playing Idle
6:39 Walking Back - using Blend Trees
10:10 Set transition condition
11:55 Capsule Collider
14:41 Walking and Run - using Nested Blend Trees
17:10 ~ How the animation clip data was setup ~
22:47 Camera following (the character)
23:51 Jumping - using Bool Parameters
27:41 Adjusting collider shape of Jump
31:44 Explaining Jump - MatchTarget
33:24 Jump Trigger - making more interesting jump when Robot hit Jump Trigger
38:27 Using IK - for Looking and Lasering (My robot head doesn't turn when hold Alt key T_T )
43:45  Add body Masking Layer


FINALLY DONE! I stopwatched how long I took and it took me 3 hours to complete this tutorial. Man, mecanim is amazing! For everyone following this tutorial there are three problems you're probably gonna have: 1. Camera stops following your robot, to fix it just restart unity. 2. You have no curves option, you need the pro version of unity for curves. 3. Your robot isn't looking at the enemy, you also need the pro version for this part.


I'm just a week into Unity & Coding and this is fascinating. Movement through Mecanim as oppose to script Vector3. Also this is one of the best tutorials even after 8 years.


For people without Unity Pro: if you add the ColliderHeight bool and check the use curves box your collider will still shrink even without access to the Curves portion of the animator.


It's 2021 and it is the best Mecanim animation tutorial that i found out there.


Dropped Unity for quite a while. Needed to make a quite simple game for a friend and i have to say im amazed at all improvements. Kudo's to you guys


I can't wait to get Unity 4 Pro! I'm working on a game right now, but when we get to kickstarter we can take it to a whole new level! Pro versions ftw!


If you're saying your walking motion is normal speed, but the actual movement is is too slow the actual moving forward, backwards, etc.. is done in whatever movement script you're using. Its hard to say what specific variable controls your movement speed without knowing what script it is


that checkbox is a bool that is used for an if statement when each curve feature is used in the script, its nothing to do with actual Mecanim feature set, but keep it enabled when I tell you to in the tutorial.


Who else comes back every few months to this video? :D


This make animating in blender obsolete. I remember the pains of adding weight paint to models. So hard and time consuming when your working with extremely detailed models. Not anymore. This works perfectly. Thank you for this program. Its the best engine out there thats free. No doubt about it.


Definitely gotta subscribe if all the tuts are this good :) was having maaajor issues trying to sort out the animations, this cleared it right up! :)


Thanks for a great video for learning the Mecanim system for v4 of Unity. I recently watched this again, and got even more from it the second time. A lot of good stuff here!


It works more like a car than a person, though.

For example you can only turn around if you're already running forward, as pushing A or D doesn't do anything if you're standing still.


I can't believe how useful this tutorial was! Thank you so much!


"because we are lovely people"  XD you guys are the best!!!
