10 FREE GUITAR VST Plugins & Libraries YOU NEED (2024)

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10 FREE GUITAR VST Plugins & Libraries YOU NEED (2024)

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10 FREE GUITAR VST Plugins & Libraries YOU NEED (2024)

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Рекомендации по теме

Ample Guitar & Ample Bass are amazing! They are my go to whenever I need a guitar


I always overlook spitfire instruments .. thanks for this reminder


I like a free plugin called Spicy Guitar. I also bought AAS Strum GS-2 which is amazing for $50-$200 depending on sale or not. Both a physical modeling. I have my eyes on Fingerstyle with Musical Sampling which is a sampled one.


Nice guitar options, was looking for some last week and now I have It, thanks mate🤘🏼


I really like the different tones of the vinyl guitar. Besides - it pairs well with your vsts. Cheers!


Love the Ample guitar Vst's. Bought a few of their full versions on the back of using the freebies and they are really really good. I have had Labs free stuff for years but have to say I dislike their new interface ( and I hate the latest Amplitude GUI too!). I gave up on most Monster vst's could not get them to work either. Cheers Dixon!!


Great round up Dixon. Ample lite is still the best of the pick for a free, straight acoustic guitar emulation IMHO.
For those of us on a tight budget, the UJAM silky and/or amber are worth a look - they often come around on discount - AND their Mellow bass is just awesome if you want a that cool jazz fretless sound.


Really fine collection of Freebies...lots of uses come to mind...
nice to hear what they can do...10-4 Thanx Dixon


I downloaded Shredder 3 free. It sounds pretty good. Thanks for the info.


One thing that I notice with people that do not play guitar... they play keyboard notes, which are not the same chord voicings, that you would play on a guitar. One thing that can help is playing the low note with your left hand, and using the right hand to play the other notes - sort of that type of separation (like finger picking). Curious does the Push helps with these voicings? Not with left hand/right hand, but with your actual thumb, on your right hand, when playing it. Looks like it would be easy to reach a lower octave with just your thumb.


You missed the Epiphone Hummingbird Pro Electro Acoustic Guitar, MG Soft Nylon Guitar and the RJS Guitar all for the decent sampler player.


Is there a link for these? You usually include one in your description, thanks


Looks like its time to jump on board with Decent Sampler lol


Yo Dixon, can you do a giveaway for 100, 000 subscribers, and could it be about orchestral plugins, I really need them, but I'm broke💀. Thanks for everything, love from Serbia!!!


Best guitar vsts are real guitar, ample guitar


Black african people and white men are different really...you are the haves and we, the haves-nots. In Mali, Toumbouktou, when something is said to be free the truth is that it's really free-free, no money out, but to you it's cheap how come
Pleaz help africans. Our lands are rich but no benefits gitten. We do want to help developers but we can't. Pleaz Set plugins and vst's at our disposals to make music❤
No grugde born...excuz my foul mouth and one of your fans...love your vids❤
