Diet Breaks-What Does the Science Say?

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Studies discussed:
-ICECAP Trial:

-1 week diet break improves performance:

-Review I did on IER with Jackson Peos:


A new study (ICECAP) has come out DEBUNKING DIET BREAKS! As soon as this study was published many people sent it to me freaking out over how diet breaks have been 'debunked.' In this video I break down the study, what it says, and what it doesn't say and discuss my current views of diet breaks

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Diet breaks are the best. My body seems to respond to them well although maybe it’s all mental... either way, what’s the hurry- take it slow.

PS- love Carbon Diet coach! It’s literally been a game changer for me to get to my goals. Started at 292 and just hit the 100lb lost today at 192. And my calories are typically 2, 500-2, 800 in a cut. Just wow


I'm on a diet break myself. Started it in 1989. Taking no plateau chances.


I was really excited to hear this update and would love to see more studies.

Me personally, I have been cutting for 11 weeks now, with a week long break (maintenance cals) every 2 to 3 weeks (using Carbon).

So far I haven't stalled once and I am still losing fat on the same calories I started the diet on. Also I have enjoyed the extra flexibility and energy on the weeks off.

Usually I abandon cuts after 6weeks because I struggle with diet fatigue but this has been so much easier to stay the course with.

The only downside for me is the extra time it takes, but it's a good tradeoff IMO.


Breaks make you feel like you are not dieting, especially when you are not in a rush to lose weight


I know you are a friend of diet breaks, so I appreciate you just presented the science in a neutral way.


Definitely interesting! I have found anecdotally with clients it does seem like 2 weeks seem to help more than 1 week when they come back to the cut.


You deserve more followers and views Layne. Great content as always. Thank you.


Man you're amazing. Keep posting science based videos.


I've been on a diet break ever since COVID happened 😂😅


I all over this diet break stuff, have been for years. It works for me. Helps me trim down to race weight without feeling like I’m starving to death. Works very well with block training too. Three weeks on full board and then recovery week, the week I move less and eat more. Yay.


Great common sense advice! Think my biggest problem though is even if not taking "diet breaks" to frequent is my breaks are out of control binge sessions. It is the overall percentage that counts I think. Something I also heard Norton say before is it is silly to think your calories reset in a 24 hour period. I feel it is better to break down like a week at a time. More good than bad concept. And the best "diet" is the one that works for the individual. Diet breaks are it for it for me too.


Diet breaks helped me psychologically because trying to lose 120lb at once sounds unrealistic, but for me losing something like 15lb 6 separate times is MUCH easier.

I can tell y'all from personal experience (took me 3 years to get from 293lb-168lb) I have taken multiple diet breaks and let me tell you, there's no way around it: CALORIES WILL HAVE TO DROP TO CONTINUE SEEING PROGRESS. Example when I was in the 260lbs+ I was losing weight at 2400cal until I got down to 210lb then I dropped to 2200cal then I got down to 190lb and dropped to 2000cal then to get 170lb I dropped to 1800cal ish. Fast forward 5 months of maintaining later, I am maintaining around 170lb at around 2300/2500 maintenance calories. Crazy that this is the calorie amount I used to lose weight at, wish I could eat more, but I'll just start to put the weight back on.

Btw fat loss forever is great I have the physical book copy👍🏻


Back on track with the A/V. Thank you for the great content Layne.


This info was perfect timing for me!!I am just learning about this Diet break stuff and I am glad I watched your video. I have been training at home for the last 3 years. No major food restrictions, but I eat well most of the time and have had great success with weight loss and muscle gains. However, I decided to take things to the next level and I recently started a 16 week cut. Set my caloric deficit and tracking calories/macros for the first time in my life. It went well the first 4 weeks, but lately I feel so fucking hungry all the time and its getting to me. I am leaning out, but I am sick of the hunger. I am going to try a week of diet break and see if this helps. ✌


Looking exceptionally lean there! Awesome work!


I appreciated this v much.
If only the media did this too 🤨. Present the info and then make your comments but making it clear it's your opinion.
Thanks Layne! This was v helpful.


I think psychological benefits are often understated. If diet breaks increase satiety signals, you feel less hungry overall, that's a massive benefit imo, even if they do nothing else at all.


breaks help me a ton. after 8 weeks or so of calorie restriction, I start to get sick of it. takes off a huge mental burden to be able to increase my calories a bit and keep weight stable. then next cut is much easier.


I LOVE the use of diet breaks! Makes cutting easier all around.


I’ve used diet breaks for years. I never cared if it did anything for me physical, for me I just needed a few days for the mental break of the diet keeping your head in it is more important than the body. I always felt mentally rejuvenated after a little break and ready to get back to business!
