The Lost Secrets of the Great Pyramid: Was Egypt Submerged by a Second Sun's Global Flood?

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Hello everyone, I'm the Archeo Detective. I have a deep passion for ancient myths and exploring unknown mysteries. All the content is based on my own research and is 100% original. If you enjoy it, please support my channel. Thank you very much.
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### Key Points Summary###

1. **Second Sun and Global Flood**
- A theory suggests that in distant prehistoric times, a second sun existed in our solar system, leading to a global flood that submerged the Great Pyramid of Giza.
- This catastrophic event could explain the absence of detailed records about the pyramid in ancient texts.

2. **Mysterious Absence in Ancient Texts**
- Despite the detailed accounts of other ancient structures like the Tower of Babel, no ancient documents, including the Bible, Quran, or Vedas, mention the Great Pyramid of Giza.
- Existing records about the pyramid are incomplete, second-hand, and often speculative.

3. **Unexplained Archaeological Findings**
- Recent discoveries show that the pyramid's stones contain fossils of marine microorganisms from 50 million years ago, suggesting an older construction date.
- Salt deposits and honeycomb-like erosion on the pyramid stones indicate long-term exposure to seawater, supporting the global flood theory.

4. **Ancient High-Tech Lighting**
- The pyramid’s passages lack soot marks, challenging the idea that oil lamps were used during construction. This raises the possibility of ancient high-tech lighting, possibly similar to the Urim mentioned in biblical texts.

5. **Legends of a Second Sun**
- Various global myths, including those from Zoroastrianism and Aztec mythology, hint at the existence of a second sun that caused significant global upheavals.
- The Bunun tribe of Taiwan and Chinese mythology also reference stories of multiple suns, further supporting the theory of a second sun in ancient times.
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