Music Industry EXPOSED: Demonic Studio Rituals REVEALED by Award-Winning Artist!

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Yes this needs to be talked about a lot more. I use to be a huge Beyonce fan years ago and I remember going to a concert of hers before and while I was there something spiritually just did not feel right . That was the last day I ever listened to her music or went to a concert of hers. These artist literally embodies different dieties. When I was young I never understood why my mom didn’t allow me to listen to certain music once she gave herself over to Christ. Now I know why


Literally the second I stoped listening to secular music my depression and $ucide thoughts stopped. Anytime I try to listen again “for old times sake”. My depression starts immediately!




This is the point I'm trying to make to my teenage daughter WHY DO YOU NEVER SEE ANY OTHER RELIGION OR gods ( little g emphasized for there is but 1 ) But why aren't these rappers twerking on Mecca or a replica of mecca? WE KNOW THE ANSWER, but what would happen? As Christians, we should be IN THE STREETS PEACEFUL BUT PASSIONATELY STANDING UP FOR OUR LORD. It is getting blatant because NOONE is speaking up NOT THE WAY WE SHOULD ! We get more vocal about our politics then we do our faith . I'm guilty and only just realizing I GET SO VOCAL ABOUT THE WAY THE MEDIA TREATS TRUMP BUT LOOK AT WHO TREATS MY FATHER. WAKE UP CHRISTIANS!!! BROTHERS AND SISTERS WAKE UP !! Thank you for this video. I NEEDED THIS


Lucifer before he fell was the angel of worship, he actually had instruments built into him; It’s no wonder that he would use music to deceive the world.

Thou [Lucifer] hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day thou wast created. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: Thou wast on the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. (Ezekiel 28:13–14, KJV)


I just remembered a quote: "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist"


I remember a "friend" and I were listening to music and smoking. We played two CDs that came out at the time, the Roots and Eminem. I don't know which ones they were, but they were new at the time. We played the Roots first and it was all good. When we played Em, the room changed, the mood changed. It got dark, cold, it felt evil. When I said do you feel that, he acted like he didn't because he wanted me to love Em like he did. I wasn't the biggest fan of the Roots either but I could feel the difference. It took years but eventually I realized, that "friend" wasn't one, and I left him in my "rearview mirror" God is the greatest! 💪🏿✊🏾🙏🏾


It’s been said before and we’ll say it again.. you’ll never see ANY artist blaspheming or mocking other religions BUT Christianity..


I can’t believe we’re finally here. I grew up in the church, and my parents taught me about the spiritual realm, especially with music. I am so glad that people are finally speaking out. We are definitely living in the last days.😊


You are so right. We are under spiritual warfare. People think it’s a game. Unfortunately it’s everywhere. We as Gods warriors need to keep standing up for Christ.


I always say this but as an ex-witch, I know for sure that The music industry has its listeners under a spell. Sad music, Rage music, rebellious music all makes you inhabit these same characteristics. The music videos are even worse! It ‘captivates’ the listener so not only are they consuming the lyrics but now they are attached to a visual memory.. there’s so much subliminal evil in the music industry and when you’re held captive, oops I’m mean “entertained”, you’re under a spell you must break in the name of Jesus. Choose God, and pursue Him in Salvation of Jesus Christ🥹💜🙏🏾 entirely break the spell! Once I did, I lost the desire for evil secular music & the Holy Spirit even gave me a supernatural ability to tune out the garbage music that plays in public🙏🏾Pray for the nation in Jesus name, and I love you all☺️🙏🏾✝️


This is definitely something that needs to be talked about more. Guess who the music world is targeting more than anything. Our children! Our future! I struggle trying to explain to my kids how much more there is to this music that meets the eye/ears. Hats off to you Brother Nick for telling the truth and speaking on an unpopular subject using God's Word.


My nephew used to play music in bars and now he plays music in the church. I am so happy about that. It is absolutely disgusting where the music industry has gone!


Thanks for covering this Nick.
I was raised a Catholic and was very close to Jesus growing up 🙏
I became deeply involved in the occult and witchcraft as a teen, I practiced all forms of divination, mediumship... blood magic... the worst. I was in SO DEEP.
Watching all the overtly satanic worship and in particular, what has happened to Doja, made me realize that exact same thing.
If satan is real (which he clearly is, why would they keep going on about him if he wasn't)
Then that means God is real! That was my road to Emmaus moment.
I ditched ALL occult items in my home, and gave my life back to Jesus Christ. This year, after 20 years of being totally lost and mislead, I returned to God 🎉
I am so grateful 🙏 every day that he has saved me, his goodness and his grace!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤


Ignorance is the main issue by far. When you tell someone the music is demonic they dismiss you like its no big deal, like the devil is not real.


Nick, I so appreciate you!!! I'm 66 and I'm shaking my head continuously. I can't believe Our World.


This year I made the choice to stop listening to mainstream music. I stopped listening to anything Doja Cat after she posted that weird ass music video. You know what’s weird? I had that song of hers stuck in my head for weeks, even if I wouldn’t listen to it directly but indirectly (like playing on an ad or hearing it play in someone else’s car) but eventually I forgot all about it. I was talking to my friend the other day and he said the same exact thing about how that song has been stuck in his head, but for MONTHS. Wake up friends. Music, as beautiful as it has the ability to be, can be the complete opposite. The frequency in the sound waves, plus the frequency of the words, plus the words themselves, all together can effect you mentally and physically WITHOUT YOU EVEN BEING AWARE OF IT. Be careful everyone. Today I listen to instrumentals and if I listen to a song that has lyrics I make sure it is a overall positive message. But it’s even more scary to know that even the frequency of the sound waves produced from the instruments can also effect you.


God bless you brother I am a X-gang leader who is now blood bought through the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Worldly music had a strong hold on my life it was my source of joy & my source for anger music is not just about a sound, but it is also about words. I did not know I had bought into many false teachings or false doctrine through the seducing sounds of guitars and drums. I thank God for rescuing me from the false teaching that entered into my heart because I let it into my mind. I can never repay God for what he did for me But because of gratitude I speak at schools at youth authority camps and because God spared my life from 3 drug overdose, and I was given a sound mind. God Bless You Brother and Your Ministry


I have three daughters; ages 35, 37 & 39. In the 90s, they would want to listen to the same music as their friends at school and i would forbid it. They would bring home a cd of Eminem and i would break it in half. They were horrified. I was labeled “pycho mom”. They couldn’t sleep over at friends houses- yes, they all said I was pycho mom. I wore the label PROUDLY.


Ya should look into the fashion industry. Absolutely abhorrent.
