XXXtentacion explains his deal with the devil

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crazy that the last song on the last album he dropped alive "before I close my eyes" was literally the lords prayer. "Before they lay me down to sleep. I pray the lord my soul to keep. hope its not too late for me" He was repenting to god.


Jesus is the way the truth and the life Amen


Lol. Most of y’all do not know if you’re reading this, this is what happened. In XXX last interview when he had the white shades on w the tint of red. (Last interview) he bluntly said.

“I know my label and satan wants me to portray myself with a negative image bc it sells, everything about me rn is negative even some of my music is demonic. MY GOAL is to transcend and become a positive person add more spirituality and positivity in my music. BECAUSE I have a cult following the masses will change and become more godly” This ladies and gentlemen is why XXX is no longer w us. He was ab to do the industry so dirty and they got him before he could get them


X did change his life around in the end. I like how no one talks about that. All that matters is he found the great devine inside of him.


This is the meaning of the song

This song was a secret message, let me fill you in. The title, "I spoke to the devil in Miami, and he said everything would be fine" is literal. Miami is where X sold his soul to Satan for fame and fortune, when he was 17 (hence his albums name). I will now go into my take on this songs lyrical breakdown. (one thing to note is that he is telling a chronological story of the "conversation" he has with Satan)

Intro - "It will all be over soon" ---- X was aware that his death was going to be very soon

Verse - "I'm always where the sun dont shine, the tears dont show, wont hurt me now 'cause hearts been broke, i hate myself, but it wont show, i constantly lose all my remorse"
---- he starts off by telling us that before he sold his soul, he was very depressed

Verse - "And its ten for the wolf, and three for the shepherd"
--- in this analogy Satan is the wolf while X is the shepherd. If you arent familiar with this story, a wolf once stayed by a flock of sheep led by a shepherd for a long time, but never did anything to the sheep. One day, the shepherd left his flock with the wolf, for he trusted the wolf. When the shepherd came back to his flock, they were all dead. Through the wolf's cunning, he deceived the shepherd. Satan deceived X into selling his soul for fame and fortune, but in the end, Satan won the trade.

Verse - "and it's one for the sheep who Led by your leopard, often gave his perception as a Handle of weapon, took a bite of your apple, give me All you can offer"
---- In this analogy, X is the sheep, while Satan (or one of his demons) is the leopard. Satan used his PERCEPTION (satan is a master deceiver) to deceive X into TAKING A BITE OF HIS APPLE (or selling his soul), in exchange for all Satan could offer X (fame and fortune)

Verse - "now I'm trapped in a changing maze Setting my soul ablaze, couldn't control the pace Where is this going?"
---- Since trading his soul to the devil, X is no longer himself, now all he can do is ask himself the question "Where do 'I' go from here?"

Verse - "Heartless is recklessness"
---- Remember earlier in the song when X said his heart was broke? Well, because he was heartless, he did not care about anything and was reckless because of it, which led to him selling his soul to the devil.

Verse - " it's War with the pacifist to word of a masochist, I'm Off of the map, "
X doesn't know whether to side with God or Satan, so for the time being he chooses neither.

Verse - " my Lord, I spoke to a Baphomet, he Said he would save me if I gave him one thing you needed "What is this thing?", I pleaded boy, it's the key to even, yeah"
---- Satan tells X what he wants from him, Jahsey Onfroy's Key To Heaven.... his soul.

Verse - "And as I spoke, my fangs were shown Taken aback, he smiles and tells me "What you crave will soon be yours But what I crave is already mine" Anima vestra Anima Anima vestra Anima"
---- By this point in the song the deal has been made, X sold his soul to Satan. Satan tells X that soon enough he will receive the fame and fortune he craved, but what SATAN craved, he already has, Anima Vestra. (anima vestra means YOUR SOUL


X did change and if you actually listen to his music there’s a reason it’s so popular and it’s not just because of the darkness it’s rare to find an artist that’s puts everything into there music he put every thought every feeling and emotion he had into his songs the good and the bad the holy and the evil he truly has some evil songs such as alone part 2 where he talks about him murdering a man but other songs like alone part 3 and changes where you can hear him literally pleading for himself to be saved and for forgiveness for everything he has done I really believe he is a great example of the duality we all have inside ourselves and what happens if you give into the darkness already within you


My soul belongs to jesus christ my lord and savior .


"Every simple soul can choose to serve evil, but it takes a real man to stand and fight for whats right"


Plot twist, X was actually the sacrifice and Drake thanks him.


Satan isnt ruling hell, he will be burning just like everyome else. He will not give you want you he will take everything you need, everything you love.


The reason this dude mispronounces the names on some of these videos, whether it be a celebrity or a god or goddess, it’s obviously to protect himself.




Xxxtentacion met a Devil Worshiper who goes by the Name
Bruno Dickemz some time back in 2016.

Bruno Dickemz helped X sell his soul. He is from Miami, Florida.

That song X has called "I Spoke To The Devil in Miami, He Told Me Everything Would Be Find." by Xxxtentacion

That song is literally talking about Bruno Dickemz and how Bruno helped X make a pack with The Devil


His demonic message is blatant. It's disturbing how far and wide his influence is and how I'm forced to witness that music.


He died trying to change the world for the good using his new style of music. The powers that be got him outta here before he fully reached that goal. But the fans know he was against the dark energy that he was with before he started to change


I’m actually frightened and saddened by the amount of deception I’ve lived in my whole life until now. I used to listen to these people and genuinely liked their music.. it wasn’t really the topics I liked personally but it was the skill it took to rhyme it on a good sounding track.. I used to love watching tv and I loved free-styling myself .. I never truly believed in the words I’d freestyle so I believed these artists were just having fun doing the same.. I guess it gets real the higher the influence you Have. I spoken a lot of words.. I wanted fame, now I don’t.. I wanted women, now I want a woman who Fears The Holy Lord of Sion and Who is filled with The Holy Ghost.. I wanted to be super spiritual and powerful in magic because I thought that the world was a magical place, now I want to be Inspired by The Holy Ghost and I want self control to not go into the ways of the world and the magic that’s in it.. Satan had me walking down a plank, but before I took that last step into outer darkness and before I fell into the depths of the sea had I taken it.. My Lord Jesus Christ grabbed me by the Hand and pulled me back in the Light. I won’t ever forget that. I’m a Man, I am not a god nor will I ever be God. I am a creation I worship The Creator who will come soon in All His Glory to Save Us from this Evil. He comes with Clouds and Every Eye shall See Him, Even Those Who Pierced Him! Amen .


You can't give away what is not yours.


He wasnt able to kill skimask, he didnt have it in him to do the job. He was too strong(or weak in your opinion). But Drake on the other hand knew what had to be done. X had borrowed time(money). Drake was that baphomet that he met. Drake was able to steal his flow, and xxx gets popular off the allegations. Since drake found out x was due for sacrifice since he wasnt weak enough to kill ski mask. Drake got the greenlight to hire people to clap x. Rip x


Rip my uncle xxxtentacion 😭 💔 🙏 😢 😔 😞 😭 ❤


One of his best songs along with save me and vice city
