nanoHUB-U Thermoelectricity L5.1: Recent Advances - Thermionics vs. Thermoelectrics

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Table of Contents:
00:09 Lecture 5.1: Thermionics vs. Thermoelectrics
00:25 Vacuum vs. Solid-State Thermionic Emission
05:39 Thermionic (TI) vs. Thermoelectric (TE)
07:03 Solid-State Thermionics vs. Thermoelectics
08:13 Solid-State Thermionics vs. Thermoelectics
09:41 Seebeck --Conductivity Trade off
12:29 Thermionic Energy Conversion Center
14:05 Solid-State Thermionic Energy Conversion
16:19 Modified Boltzmann transport for Superlattices
19:10 Low Temp. I-V in GaAs/AlGaAs Superlattices
21:21 TE Properties of short period InGaAs/InAlAs Superlattices
23:08 Cross-plane Seebeck Coefficient (10-300K) Theory vs. Experiment
25:04 Hot Electron Filtering (Thermionic Emission) in Metallic Superlattices
27:55 Problem with planar metallic superlattices
29:08 Nonplanar Barrier for Enhanced Emission
30:30 Nonplanar Barrier for Enhanced Emission
31:38 Week 5: Lecture 1 Summary
This five-week short course introduces students to the thermoelectric theory and applications using a unique, "bottom up" approach to carrier transport that has emerged from research on molecular and nanoscale electronics.
The first two weeks of the course introduce this new perspective and connects it to the traditional treatment of thermoelectric science. Landauer formalism provides a unified framework to study both electron and phonon transport. The following three weeks introduce latest nanoscale and macroscale characterization techniques, the design of thermoelectric systems, and recent advances in nanoengineered thermoelectric materials and physics.
00:09 Lecture 5.1: Thermionics vs. Thermoelectrics
00:25 Vacuum vs. Solid-State Thermionic Emission
05:39 Thermionic (TI) vs. Thermoelectric (TE)
07:03 Solid-State Thermionics vs. Thermoelectics
08:13 Solid-State Thermionics vs. Thermoelectics
09:41 Seebeck --Conductivity Trade off
12:29 Thermionic Energy Conversion Center
14:05 Solid-State Thermionic Energy Conversion
16:19 Modified Boltzmann transport for Superlattices
19:10 Low Temp. I-V in GaAs/AlGaAs Superlattices
21:21 TE Properties of short period InGaAs/InAlAs Superlattices
23:08 Cross-plane Seebeck Coefficient (10-300K) Theory vs. Experiment
25:04 Hot Electron Filtering (Thermionic Emission) in Metallic Superlattices
27:55 Problem with planar metallic superlattices
29:08 Nonplanar Barrier for Enhanced Emission
30:30 Nonplanar Barrier for Enhanced Emission
31:38 Week 5: Lecture 1 Summary
This five-week short course introduces students to the thermoelectric theory and applications using a unique, "bottom up" approach to carrier transport that has emerged from research on molecular and nanoscale electronics.
The first two weeks of the course introduce this new perspective and connects it to the traditional treatment of thermoelectric science. Landauer formalism provides a unified framework to study both electron and phonon transport. The following three weeks introduce latest nanoscale and macroscale characterization techniques, the design of thermoelectric systems, and recent advances in nanoengineered thermoelectric materials and physics.