nanoHUB-U Thermoelectricity L2.7: Thermoelectric Transport Parameters - Using Full Band Dispersions

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Table of Contents:
00:09 Lecture 2.7: Using full band dispersions (ex. of Bi2Te3)
00:52 motivation
02:04 Bonus lecture: outline
02:56 review: TE equations
04:02 review: differential conductivity
05:52 Bonus lecture: outline
06:01 number of modes: definition
07:38 number of modes: 1D example
09:27 number of modes: 2D example
12:15 number of modes: effect of dimensionality
13:04 number of modes: Bi2Te3 (electron)
15:51 number of modes: Bi2Te3 (phonon)
17:56 Bonus lecture: outline
18:04 electronic TE properties
19:40 electronic TE properties: conductivity
21:33 electronic TE properties: Seebeck
22:00 electronic TE properties: thermal conductivity
22:43 Bonus lecture: outline
22:49 Bonus lecture: outline
24:39 lattice thermal conductivity: calibrate MFP
25:58 lattice thermal conductivity: energy-dep. MFP
26:39 TE performance of Bi2Te3
28:52 summary: TE properties from full band approach
30:24 summary: TE properties from full band approach
This five-week short course introduces students to the thermoelectric theory and applications using a unique, "bottom up" approach to carrier transport that has emerged from research on molecular and nanoscale electronics.
The first two weeks of the course introduce this new perspective and connects it to the traditional treatment of thermoelectric science. Landauer formalism provides a unified framework to study both electron and phonon transport. The following three weeks introduce latest nanoscale and macroscale characterization techniques, the design of thermoelectric systems, and recent advances in nanoengineered thermoelectric materials and physics.
00:09 Lecture 2.7: Using full band dispersions (ex. of Bi2Te3)
00:52 motivation
02:04 Bonus lecture: outline
02:56 review: TE equations
04:02 review: differential conductivity
05:52 Bonus lecture: outline
06:01 number of modes: definition
07:38 number of modes: 1D example
09:27 number of modes: 2D example
12:15 number of modes: effect of dimensionality
13:04 number of modes: Bi2Te3 (electron)
15:51 number of modes: Bi2Te3 (phonon)
17:56 Bonus lecture: outline
18:04 electronic TE properties
19:40 electronic TE properties: conductivity
21:33 electronic TE properties: Seebeck
22:00 electronic TE properties: thermal conductivity
22:43 Bonus lecture: outline
22:49 Bonus lecture: outline
24:39 lattice thermal conductivity: calibrate MFP
25:58 lattice thermal conductivity: energy-dep. MFP
26:39 TE performance of Bi2Te3
28:52 summary: TE properties from full band approach
30:24 summary: TE properties from full band approach
This five-week short course introduces students to the thermoelectric theory and applications using a unique, "bottom up" approach to carrier transport that has emerged from research on molecular and nanoscale electronics.
The first two weeks of the course introduce this new perspective and connects it to the traditional treatment of thermoelectric science. Landauer formalism provides a unified framework to study both electron and phonon transport. The following three weeks introduce latest nanoscale and macroscale characterization techniques, the design of thermoelectric systems, and recent advances in nanoengineered thermoelectric materials and physics.