Backing in a Travel Trailer into a Campsite: You're Doing it WRONG! ( RV Life )

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How to back a travel trailer into a campsite using this one simple trick.

0:00 Intro
0:23 The straight way
1:10 The S Turn
1:56 Conclusion

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*This channel for entertainment purposes only. We are not RV or travel experts and are not making recommendations. We share our opinions and what works for us, but you should do your own research and make your own decisions.
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From an ex-farm boy, who routinely backs in a 23' construction trailer, sometimes into really tight spots and has a 35' travel trailer, I could not agree more. Very good advice that will make backing up much easier for a lot of people. Thanks for taking the time to share this.


I am not a professional driver however with 42+ years driving and towing, I agree with you and this is my usual go to method, so long as I do not obscure traffic.

great vid showing those who need to with simple animation.


Very good advice! I'm retired after 50 yrs of driving truck and always use that method. One more thing I would say is whenever possible try to back in on the driver's side instead of blind side. Makes it easier yet 👍👍! Thank you for a great video!


As a former truck driver myself, you are 100 percent correct


In theory this is great advice. I'm also a retired truck driver and I've backed into a lot of campsites. Most campground roads are at best barely wider than one lane. When you do the S maneuver you're going to be up against other tow vehicles on the opposite sites. This makes for some close maneuvering. Many State Park campgrounds sites aren't long enough for the rig and the truck, so trucks are sticking out into the road. Just some food for thought.


Advice I give to people that I see are struggling to back into a site is to keep your hand on the bottom of the steering wheel and move it in the direction you want the camper to go. After some practice it becomes instinct.


I took a truck driving course many years ago so as to make me a better RVer (still have a CDL!). The way you showed here, using the S pattern, is the way they taught us to do it. Been doing it that way ever since. Thanks for the refresher!


That is exactly how I back my trailer into my driveway at the end of a camping trip. I have better visual sight of the end of the trailer and able to line it up easier in the drive.


35 years, truck driver, camper, 100% correct I do the same


I've been doing your method for years and totally agree... Thanks, RT


Great advice from real experience! Another thing, I’ve heard soooo many people say turn your wheel in the opposite way that you want your trailer to go. I don’t know about anybody else, but that makes my lightening fast mind go tilt. Turning the bottom of your steering wheel in the SAME direction you want to go, sounds too simple to be useful, but really helps clear the direction thing up for me.


Unfortunately a lot of campgrounds have a single lane road which by and large prevents this, although you can do a little S curve it isn't much. For the most part, getting that initial turn is the most important. I see where most people wait too late to cut the wheel and the trailer is only barely starting to turn when it really needs to be at full crank. But the single most difficult part of backing an RV into a spot, bar none, is the 4 or 5 old geezers that instantly come out and start trying to give advice as I'm backing up. Dude! I've already got my wife trained, let her give me directions cause we know what we're doing.


I agree! We use this method when backing our RV into our RV Lot @ our house! Thanks for sharing!


Fair enough. I've been a truck driver for almost 40 years and the first few years didn't have power steering. Prior to that I was on the So it's difficult for me to think about what I actually do when I set up to back. After watching your video for ideas on how to pass along my knowledge to a complete newbie I guess I prefer to get the trailer as close to going straight back as possible, with the least amount of angle from the start. I can back up two trailers hooked together, so I had to stop and think about what comes naturally after all these years


Great advice. Another thing that'll help. Once you've positioned yourself straighten out your steer tires before backing(parallel with the tow vehicle) then make small adjustments as you reverse.


One challenge I have is knowing when to start straightening out my truck once I'm in the site. I sometimes do it too early, and the trailer doesn't come around enough or too late, and it comes around too much. I'm pretty picky about getting my truck and trailer parallel in the site. But the s-turn definitely helps a lot, as it aims the trailer right at the target.


100 % correct ... Million mile former Truck Driver here.


I was shown this with my 1st trailer, parking it straight in for storage. So much easier to make adjustments as you're already in your turn from the start, especially only having visibility down the passenger side. Thanks, this will help others!


I agree with the s turn yourself up. So many times I have seen people get jacked beyond the point of no return and then pull up 5 ft. and repeat. 😊😊


My life has new meaning and less stress, at 75, I now feel 13 again. Tanks
