Is the Immaculate Conception a Church Dividing Issue? #catholic #orthodox

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Is the Immaculate Conception a Church Dividing Issue? Michael Lofton explains what the immaculate conception and original sin are in Catholic theology and considers whether they are compatible with the Eastern Orthodox view of the Virgin Mary.
#catholic #orthodox
Are you tired of all the confusion in the Catholic Church? So was I! For this reason, I decided to intensely study the Catholic Magisterium in order to discern between what people say about the Catholic Church vs. what it actually says and teaches. If you are a confused Catholic, or are discerning becoming a Catholic, Reason & Theology offers you an in-depth examination of the situation in the Catholic Church that will help make sense of the confusion.

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Great explanation, Michael. My sister (ROCOR) & I once got into a discussion about the Immaculate Conception. She made the argument that Jesus wouldn’t have been fully human if Mary was without original sin. I asked her if Eve was fully human. She, of course, said yes. So I reminded her that Eve didn’t have original sin & that Mary was like Eve. She didn’t say anything else. I hope it made her think.🙏❤️


Really good explanation. I’ve always seen this as something like Purgatory where Orthodox will assume that the doctrine must be accepted in the exact manner as how most Latins interpret it. Similarly (and as you said), we get caught up in how different traditions interpret original sin and how that affects Mary and fail to recognize that we all accept that there exists some consequence of the fall and that Mary was sinless

As an aside, I find it interesting with this topic in particular that the Oriental Orthodox Ethiopians and Eritreans accept the immaculate conception


So many protestants think Jesus is the Immaculate Conception. Probably a lot of Catholics do too, sadly!


An important issue is that the Christian East does not employ St. Augustine's teaching on original sin. Its quiet acceptance by the West necessitates the doctrine of y to the immaculate conception. Augustine was an outlier on that issue.

Also the East does not feel the need to explain everything. East and West have identical teachings on the Eucharist. The West asks how is it what it is. The East says it is a mystery. Either way it is the body and blood, &c of Christ.


I was recently in an Orthodox Monastry in Finland, with strong Russian connections, and they admitted to me that the doctrine of the assumption of Mary (not discussed in this video) has been a part of Orthodox liturgy for many centuries, even if they never formalized this dogma. They also told me that they accept the Catholic canon...


Teaching of Immaculate conception is widely believed tradition in Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox Churches.


This dogma of the "Immaculate Conception" is consistent to the miracle that happened in Lourdes...the Virgin Mary told St. Bernadette that she, quote, "I am the immaculate conception"...there's our proof! A great one! We can learn a lot from the wonderful miracles of our faith!


Best explanation of this I have ever heard. And I love how it is short and to the point. “Temporal effects of the Fall” is a phrase I do not think I have heard before, but it is a very helpful term and I am definitely stealing it for explaining this, though I may just show anyone this video if they seem open to watching a short video. Thank you Michael for what you do! ☦️


Whoa ya'll don't believe in the Immaculate conception nor Original sin??? Thats so sad.


The Orthodox Church's Objection to the Roman Catholic Dogma of the Immaculate Conception

The core objection of the Orthodox Church to the Roman Catholic Church's dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary stems from differing understandings of original sin.

In Orthodox theology, original sin is seen as ancestral sin, resulting in death and sin's consequences, leaving humanity with a propensity to sin. In contrast, Roman Catholic doctrine interprets original sin in a legalistic manner, asserting that humanity inherits not just the consequences of Adam's sin but also the guilt itself. This theological divergence leads the Roman Catholic Church to uphold the necessity of the Immaculate Conception—the belief that Mary was conceived without original sin.

Orthodox teachings maintain that Mary was born naturally and was free from sin only at the Annunciation, when ancestral sin was removed from her. Notably, the Church Fathers did not teach the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception; however, Mary has always been honored as the "Panagia" (the All-Holy) or the Immaculate Mother of God.

In conclusion, the Roman Catholic understanding of original sin dictates the necessity of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, while Orthodoxy emphasizes a different interpretation of ancestral sin, highlighting the natural birth of Mary and her sanctification by God.


Brilliant explanation Michael. Thank u very much✝️🔥❤️


That's very well said. What I'm struggling to find from a Catholic is a statement of the relevance and function of the doctrine of the immaculate conception for a Christian. I've heard it said that Mary is the new ark of the covenant. But the old ark of the covenant was made from average materials and was sanctified for holy use. So why is it necessary that Mary be sinless from her conception rather than becoming sinless like other saints at some point before the angel appeared to her and declared that she was full of grace? Yes, it may be fitting that Christ was carried by a pure vessel but if not (no disrespect meant to Mary) then that is an even higher honor for her and an even greater wonder if the incarnation - that God comes not just to sinners but to take residence within sinners, turning them into saints. Anyway... Good video. Still looking for answers.


I dont think it explains good about what a conception is a the importance of holy spirit for this divine life or energy as you call it. It is clear by Lukas Evang. that Maria recieves the holy spirit by the Evangelism of that day, that she knows from Angel Gabriel that she will born Son of God. The immaculate conception is written and clear. Because is a conception through the holy spirit. Something similar doesnt exist for Maria, isnt mentioned only by the great Hymnologia from Theotokos where is clear that Joakim and Anna creates Maria and as you said is human. Through an immaculate conception is also clear that the holy spirit has to act. And that can happen only once by the birth of Jesus


Hi, someone, what about the concile of Florence in which says there is no salvation outside the church, it applies negatively to ortodoxes? And what about children that die without baptism? Does the saint Augustine's defense against pelagianism about baptism really applies hell to children? i also saw one quote in which he says a good catholic would assume you can only be saved with baptism. But to go that hard on children to fight pelagianism, is it really fair? Does it reinforces the concile of Florence (ex cathedra was being said)? how to apply it along with God's mercy from the concile Vatican II? Limbo isnt dogma and it is never mentioned in the catecism, despite purgatory being mentioned, but no references to non baptized children... Does Michael have said something about it in one video or podcast?


The Problem isn't the Dormition. The problem is the Catholic view on Original Sin. Sexual intercourse between St Anna and Joachim is not sinful. The ability we have to sin is not sin itself. You said that Jesus did not take upon himself Original Sin, which we all have. So Jesus in a Catholic worldview did not take up everything we are subject to. This is the problem with the Immaculate Conception. It's the logical conclusion of Catholic Original Sin instead of Ancestral Sin.


Hey Michael, I noticed on your playlists I couldn't find your answering orthodoxy playlist. I want to put that to your attention because you have alot of videos and it might be hard digging through all of them.


Thank you, Michael, I did not understand why the Orthodox objected to the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. I'm looking forward to reading your "Answering Orthodoxy" book, and will send a copy to my friends who have left the Catholic Church for the Orthodox.


Even though it was not necessary for her, do you think our Holy Mother relieved Baptism as Jesus did? If only symbolically?


You explained the Catholic Theology on the Immaculate Conception fairly well but not what and where the Orthodox disagree with what for us is dogma.


If you want to find out about the Eastern Orthodox, go to the Eastern Orthodox, not someone with a bias and ulterior motives.
