Push a button to dry your shower…🤯

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🧐 I was skeptical at first...
Until I actually saw it in person.

Just standing in the center you can feel the air being moved around,
It’s nothing crazy but it’s definitely enough to help dry it out.
Especially compared to just letting it sit and leaving all the work up to an exhaust fan that just pulls moist air from the room.
I’m sold on this personally and will be adding it on my next house.
#BuilderBrigade #homebuildingtips #homebuilding #customHome #HomeBuildingChecklist #showerdryer #airmada
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No doubt useful, but a good ventilation fan does this too (if a bit slower) for a fraction of the complexity and cost - and it actually carries that excess moisture outside the house. A simple dehumidifier would also do a similar job if good ventilation channels don't exist in the building. As cool as this looks it is an overengineered solution to an already solved problem.


All cute until the shower dryer starts launching spiders


File this under Luxuries That Become Major Problems Down the Line. That's a no from me.


Better to put heating matts under the tiles. Not only they will provide nice heat duting showering but also stop condensation and cut drying time


They have this in Japan, with the idea that you dry your wet washing there. It eats a lot of power, but because most bathrooms are windowless in Japan it's great at preventing mold combined with the ventilation system.


I have one like it. Except my ceiling in my bathroom has a large window that rises up 2 inches to let the moist air to escape while several squirrel fans blow air over the surfaces. After a set time the fans turn off and the window lowers back down and the window seal expands to prevent moisture from the outside to come in. In the summer, the window moves completely out of the way to allow for an outdoor feeling when I take a shower. I designed and built it myself. Cost me an extra $310 for the system. Well worth it!


So cool! I love it. I would take heated floors first though.


Nice. Lots of homes do not have bathroom windows. Perfect for keeping mildew mold away and keeping area dry after all family members have been thru.


We have a ceiling fan in our bathroom. It runs in reverse (blows upward) in the winter. Handles all the drying in the bathroom including towels.


Just get a heater fan it does the same thing faster with more airflow. You can even get combination heater/exhaust fans now that extract the humid air all that drying is going to generate. No plumbing air lines that could build up junk and way less penetrations into a water tight vapor sensitive enclosure.


Dehumidifier feeds into hvac supply air at the floor and the erv pulls out air at the ceiling for me.

For a tight home if you don’t have an exhaust running in the bathroom while this is on it is going to positively pressurize the bathroom and create a negative pressure where ever it is pulling from. Guess where the humidity is going to go.


What's the point if you don't rinse your soap and scum first? You'll still end up caking crud all over your shower. It would make more sense to have an ozonated water self-cleanse. Then even if it stays just as wet, it at least sanitizes itself and runs on electricity (probably less than the compressor/blowers needed for the silly dryer)


Yes. Cut out the humidity in the bathroom too


I just use a squeegee on the shower door and walls, sponge off as much water as I can with a washcloth and wring the washcloth out over the drain before stepping out of the shower, and maybe run the bathroom exhaust fan for 5-10 minutes. Done. At a fraction of the cost and complexity.


How does it exhaust? Is it pushing all that moist air into the bedroom? Where is the intake? Is it outside unconditioned pollen air or bedroom air?


I'm one of those people who always run hot and will start sweating after a shower (even if I shower in cool water and final rinse with cold water!). I would LOVE a shower or bathroom dryer. Especially in humid climates. It would feel so good to be dried off by cool or warm air rather than a towel. There would need to be a couple of air jets on the floor or some adjustable ones to dry the private parts.


lol we are catching up!! This is standard in most Japanese home bathrooms, the bathroom-room comes as a premade unit usually. (think like a giant dishwasher in a sense). It’s a whole wet room with fans inset, and I lot of people will only have a washer and hang dry their clothes in there. Plus it usually comes with pre-sets for water temp on the bathtub and a cover so your water stays warm ❤


I have a regular 12" fan that moves a ton of air that I just put outside of my bathroom door and let it run. Dries out my towel and shower. Been doing this for years.


Good ventilation with a shower lamp to cut air moisture does the same job with a cheaper install and maintenance.


Drying the shower is pretty nice. Even better would be a nice rinse with reverse osmosis water before drying it.
