Scientists Reject Finds of Archaeologists, Which Contradict the Official Ones

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In this video, the finds of archaeologists are waiting for you, which the official science denies. Why scientists are doing this is difficult to say, and there are many reasons for this. One of the first - that all these finds are really fake. Therefore, scientists have no desire and time to study and confirm these remains or artifacts. But there are findings that scientists purposefully reject, and soon they even disappear!
00:00 ► Intro
00:11 ► Burial of the Bronze Age under the castle
01:48 ► Crowned figurine with a falcon
03:28 ► The mysterious disappearance of an advanced civilization
05:28 ► Orichalcum - metal from Atlantis
08:00 ► 9 Neanderthals near Rome
09:29 ► Ancient city in central China
10:34 ► The oldest baby burial in Europe
13:10 ► Arrow fragment in dinosaur skeleton
New discoveries carry information that contradicts even the most recent theories. You have never seen anything like this! Hi Friend. You are on the KirTop channel.
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Finding copper and zinc in brass should surprise no one - that's what brass is made from.


Scientists that reject archeology aren't scientists then !


I love the way she pronounce, "However" 😉😉😉


Funny accent, ok video. But where's the guy wrapped in a snake holding some metallic object?


There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Genesis 6:4 KJV


According to Biblical estimate, the flood occurred about 2300 BC. About the same time, this flood on the Yangtze River culture disappeared.

Using the Bible, well-documented historical events, and some math, we find that the Flood began approximately 4, 359 years ago in the year 1656 AM or 2348 BC. Some may look for an exact date (i.e., month and day), but we are not given that sort of precision in Scripture.


Another fantastic video, though you did make one small slip up. Homo sapiens have actually been dated between 250K and 300K, not 30K. Still a top notch video.


I was pleasantly surprised at how interesting I found this video. I watched it to the end.


A news article by The Archeologist sent me here. They made an article about this video lol


It wasn’t just a Copper Age but the Bronze Age which would have been the second Ancient Industrial Revolution. And as to the Neanderthals you and I have 2% DNA in our overall DNA. They were gentle giants and were sensitive as the remains of Flowers were found present in the burial of Neanderthals. And personally I would dearly liked to have heard much more about the Leaky Family as they were pioneers in discovering our lineage.


Besides your video's being very interesting and informative, you are an absolute pleasure to listen to. Thank you so much for all your time and effort that you put into making them. 💚 keep up the great work ! 👍


It's impossible to follow the narrator.


13:00 actual interest as per title caption. 😮😊


Unbaptised children were never, by any canon of the Church, buried any special way.


Is this the same girl who did Vilja in Skyrim? Either way, she sounds Swedish.


Neanderthal= pre-flood humans. Why were their foreheads so pronounced? In the bible, during pre-flood times, people lived for hundreds of years and our brows grow throughout our lifetime. Also, living for close to 1000yrs, they would have had stronger and more durable physical qualities. The last of those people were Noah and his family. Noah died at the age of 950yrs old while Noah's sons lived between 400 and 500 years, while Abraham died at 175, Moses died at 120, and David died at 70, an age that the Bible portrays as old for David's time period. That is because God reduced the lifetime of man to 120yrs and progressively people started dying at younger ages and most likely their bodies became weakeQr than those who lived much longer. That’s why in the story of Gilgamesh, he was obsessed with Utnapishtim (probably Noah). In the story, Gilgamesh thought Utnapishtim was one who was granted eternal life and that he was saved from the flood. The Sumerian story refers to high gods between the twin peaks (Mt Ararat). That could very well be referring to the 8 who came off the ark. The cuneiform tablets refer to 7 of them, but there was another who was thrown out, their sun god. The Sumerian sun god (Shamash/Utu), was probably referring to Ham, son of Noah, who was made to leave from the place where Noah’s family dwelled, for something he did.


Click bait, terrible narration, not a fan.


I hate the Commentary very difficult to understand, spoils it totally, loses a lot of information. So monotonous too for such an interesting topic


I want to listen to the information, which I find fascinating. But this AI driven voice that is mispronouncing everything is driving me absolutely insane. Can someone just post a written version for me to read, because I just can't handle this nonsense!!!!


I guess the finds that contradicted shit was rejected. Click bait and reported.
