F-14D Last NAVY Power DEMO at Oceana 2006

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F-14D Last NAVY Power DEMO at Oceana Airshow 2006

Camera: CANON XV-2 with SONY 1.7 teleconverter

#VF31 #VFA11 #VFA87 #VFA34 #VFA106
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I flew the Tomcat for over 10 years. It was the best plane in the Navy. I had the best plane crew that kept my bird in the air. So many times I remember thinking I had the best job in the world and I did. My time went by so fast but the memories of my service to this great country and the plane that carried me. I miss those days but know that the Soviet pilots that came up to challenge us knew they could never get close enough. Once we locked on at over 90 miles away, they knew F-14's were nearby, and they bugged out. I was here at the final flight at Oceana with members of my former squadron in the VIP section, it was a great day but sad this great airplane was finished.


The best analogy I heard by a top Navy brass was from supercar to a minivan. The minivan does everything a supercar does and gets the job done, but saves a lot on the cost when Mach 2.4+ blistering speed and 60, 000 lbsf of thrust were considered "overkill" post cold-war. That is the story congress sold to the Navy while being in Hornet mafia's pocket while Navy was screaming back at them "we want new F-14D Super Tomcats built because that is what we need". Read Randy "Duke Cunningham's appeal to congress on why Navy only wanted the Tomcat (Top Gun program director and Navy veteran since Vietnam)Navy was right and today, everyone agrees not having a super fast pure air superiority fighter/long range interceptor to counter the China/Russia threat makes Navy hugely vulnerable.


I just loved how the crowd whooped and hollered when they announced the tomcat flying overhead. That to me shows just how big of a crowd-pleasing legend she is.
I'm a damn proud maintainer of the A model, first with VF-101 and then VF-142. I've accomplished quite a bit in my professional life since leaving the navy, (which was the most collosal mistake of my life), but no matter what I've achieved nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, ever gave me the satisfaction of watching my birds fly knowing I had a hand in putting them up there.
When I was a kid, I'd talk about certain boxers or ballplayers whom I had seen and would enthusiastically support. The old guys would turn to me, smile, and shake their heads. "Yeah, they're good kid, " they'd say, "but you never saw Koufax, or Louis, or Sugar Ray Robinson, or Marciano, or Josh Gibson, or Satchel Paige."
Now, I'm the old guy and young kids go on about the hornet or some other jet. I turn to them, smile, and shake my head. "Yeah, they're good kid, " I'd say, "but you never saw the Tomcat fly."
Long live the F-14 Tomcat!!!!


I was an Air Traffic Controller in the Navy and stationed on the USS Constellation CV-64 for Operation Iraqi Freedom. It was the last deployment of the Connie and it was also the last deployment for VF-2 Bounty Hunters using the F-14. When we got back they began the transition to the Super Hornet. Glad I got to see an F-14 break the sound barrier once in my life. Best damn thing I have ever seen in my life!!!


That's when they did REAL amazing airshows!!!


F-15: Shit, we’ve been replaced by the F-22... oh wait, they’re giving us the opportunity to get an upgrade and hang around for a complimentary role? Wow, thanks!
F-16: They’re giving us an upgrade with “F-22 and F-35 DNA” so we can stick around? Wow, thanks!
F-18: Hey, another upgrade so we can “replace” the 14 in fleet defense, even though we can’t really do that? Wow, thanks!
A-10: We were built to kill T-72 tanks in the Fulda Gap, but they're using us for ground support in 2019? Wow, thanks!
B-52: The Soviets are long gone, but we’re still up here flying and might hit 100 years of service? Wow, thanks!
F-14: We started racking up kills in mock dogfights against the F-15... but they said no to our proposed upgrades, prematurely retired us and chopped almost every single one of us to pieces so we couldn't even fly air shows. what the FUCK?!


The tomcat has a unique roar to it when approaching low speeds with full afterburner which is only unique to the F14 and that just sounds awesome


The US Navy should have kept six F14's for airshow demo's, still one of my all time favorites.


Proud to say I was in the Navy when the Tomcats flew. The sweet sound of that raw power would raise the hair on your neck like no other! I miss that adrenaline pump. Thank you for sharing this video so that the true fans can keep the Almighty F-14 Tomcat alive. 🇺🇸


Bring back a couple of F14D squadrons. They were the baddest planes ever! Anytime, anywhere baby!
Tomcats forever!


I spent mey teenage years growing up near some of the runways at Oceana...I cant believe I didnt realize what I was seeing.


I was there 👍🏻 flew from Spain for the show, invited by VF-31


Love the big cat. Retired WAY too soon.


The F-14 was such a crowd pleaser. When it did a full AB takeoff, it had such a low deep roar you felt it in the chest. I miss.


Best Looking fighter ever, the F-14...


I used to work on all types of aircraft engines and powerplants, but this particular bird has the most unique and impressive sound that I miss soo much!! TOMCAT 4EVER!!!


2 things made the show... 1) the F-14 and 2) the Blue Angels were there!


Love how even when the hornets are taxing by, you can still hear the tomcat in the background


13:02 Worth the Cold War price of admission just for that there move. Started out as a pure Air to Air combattant, retired as the premier Navy precision strike platform. There were guys that would rather puke than drop bombs from Tomcats. The LANTIRN(Low Altitude Navigation Targeting Infrared for Night) Tomcat is wearing a LANTIRN pod of her starboard glove pylon. Tomcats got LANTIRN in 1996. In December 1998 during Operation Desert Fox VF-32 first used the LANTIRN Targetting System or LTS.. Was used well in the Balkans. LANTIRN 40, 000 was an excellent upgrade as it allowed F-14s to bomb using precision guidance on targets located at high elevations. The newer 40, 000 ft capable laser was needed to stay above surface threats in highly elevated Afghanistan during the opening operations of OEF. Day 1 of Op Iraqi Freedom(OIF) F-14s dropped JDAM for the first time. The LANTIRN and the rear seaters new PTID (a 10-inch Programmable Tactical Information Display screen)allowed better target resolution than Hornet C/D legacy and E/F Super and even the early Strike Eagle and there were times where Tomcats buddy lased targets for those tactical fighter aircraft. Tomcats even generated targeting co ordinates for a B-52 that dropped some CBU103/105 Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser(WCMD). She was a nasty Kitty!


After watching the interview with Kurt Schroeder these F14D's should still be flying and have not been replaced with the F18 Super Hornets . How the Navy still wanted to fly the the F14 B and D. It's a shame when politics get involved.
