I Bought My First Farm!

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I’m starting the journey to chase the dream of farming! This honestly wouldn’t be possible without the viewers I’ve had on the main channel- “The Squad” over the past 6 years.

Intro- I grew up in a 50,000 population town in Central Iowa. Both my Grandparents farmed in Northern Iowa. My Grandparents on my mom’s side sold all the land and equipment in 2005. My Grandpa on my Dad’s side passed away in 2006, and my Grandma still lived on the farm. Now my uncles run the entire operation. As a kid/teenager I got to spend a lot of time at the Farm “helping” my uncles. That’s where formed the passion to try and Farm once I was older.

Me and the seller of this 120 acres agreed to a price back in June, and I was supposed to close in July on this farm. I also bought the corn off the seller and was gonna harvest the 45 acres that was in Corn (that would of made for a heck of a vid, cause I’ve never ran a combine/adjusted a combine🤣). But things got delayed for what seemed like forever. I also (just yesterday agreed to price) and bought another 88 acre farm about 12 miles north of this one. Again this wouldn’t have been possible without viewers and support from the Farm Sim vids!

This channel will be all Farming related vids, besides for Iowa snowmobiling vids in the winter!
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So happy for you man! I can’t wait to see how things go in the future!


I’d rather watch this over any farm sim video


Way to go man. I am chasing the dream right now and I can appreciate the feeling when you reach your goal.


This is going to be the start of big dream. Especially in today’s economy. Pick your planter based off the header you are able to manage for your combine.


I’m not a corn farmer but I farm a variety of crops in Saskatchewan Canada, canola, wheat, barley, oats, peas etc. I know from experience that there are plenty of ways to improve soil health as well as fertility, get in touch with an agronomist for that. Looking for equipment is fun but be careful, every dealer is different and sometimes are pushy, let yourself do the decision making and always get second opinions. John Deere farm equipment has been good quality for us over the years and has good resale which is important when you wish to expand. We also farm with a lot of older Massey Ferguson tractors and they have been great to us. All equipment brands have their ups and downs however if you wish to buy older used equipment which is a good option, the Deere tractors are hard to beat in reliability. Be careful with harvest machines as harvest is crunch time on the farm and many can easily take a lot of abuse. Go through thing with a fine tooth comb! Have fun man! Not many people have this opportunity! It won’t be easy I guarantee that but it’s persistance that make farmers who they are! Work hard, have fun!


Nice one, Grant! God bless you throughout the rest of your farm life.


Grant, We started with around the same acreage. We had a john deere 4620, 6 row planter, an 18 foot caltavator. My tip to you is don't get to big to fast.


Great to see young people who are interested in farming. I was bought up on a farm in New Zealand and enjoyed being on the farm till I was 10 years old. I'm now 71 and live in Australia but I enjoy watching all you young people farming. All the best of luck to you and enjoy it.


Make sure you don’t let Spencer rip in your field like he did on medicine creek FSN


I remember when we moved to Saskatchewan and started our farm. It's going to be a tough road but follow your dreams and you will be sucsessfull


Oh how the years have gone by I remember watching you when you were on fs19. You were the main reason why I eventually got fs22 and now have fs25. Wow time fly by.


Squad I live on a farm in Illinois I would recommend a 12 row planter and look for a 7140 series case tractor or an 4960 series John Deere is what I would focus on right now


I like this, a very young new farmer who start square 0 and build his farm, I hope to see more about this... 💪👍


When you get a combine be sure you get those trees out because like you said those trees gain nutrients and on the sides of your field where the trees are your stalks will get extremely small and you and you will not have a good field so when you buy a combine get a small header.


I'd say go with an 8 row planter, we farm about the same size, and an 8 row is perfect. Your in it long enough to have fun, but not long enough to get sick of it. Good luck to you my guy.👌😉


I'm so exited for you and I feel the same, in my town I'm probably one of the only kids who wants to farm and your farming sim videos are what got me all started I thank you for what your doing and inspiring people like me.


Just came across your channel. How exciting to buy your first farm. Nice to see a young guy with such drive and enthusiasm! Best of luck to you!!!


That’s awesome. Your really living my dream right now.


This is gonna be so cool watching him build up his farm


Have a tile company run tile from there to the river side. Put small gravel on top of the crossing.
