How personality traits impact political beliefs

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Dr. Dannagal G. Young, a political and social psychologist who studies how personality traits and outlooks can impact political beliefs, joins CBSN's Lana Zak to discuss her research and what it means in today's hostile political climate.
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Conservatives hate uncertainty and unpredictability, but back trump... that literally makes no sense.


What about those of us that believe both sides are being played?


America is

23 in education.
37 in healthcare.
34 in raising family index.
No high-speed train.
Highest number of homeless people.
Highest number of incarcerated people.
78% of people live paycheck to paycheck.

Stock market is not economy of Americans! Where 90% of money belongs to top 10% of the population, it's wallet for the rich.

Let's talk like adults, instead of name calling.

I have left the proof on my playlist, if you would like to check!

Let's make our country better together.


How much did it cost to tax-payers for 278 visits to golf course which Trump took since inauguration?

141 millions!


Change and stability = yin-yang interdependent opposites. Supposed to be a balance of the two.


This makes a lot of sense but still doesn’t address the current batch of conservatives who can be extremely hostile. I fit the liberal profile - I am curious, I like learning different things and meeting different people. I live in an urban area and my personality is probably more suited to such an environment. I think there are degrees too. My sister is a very cautious person, way more conservative than I am yet even she still falls on the more liberal side of the spectrum most likely owing to growing up in an urban area. I totally agree that we need both types of personalities. They serve as checks and balances for one another. What I am having difficulty dealing with are the extremely virulent feelings emanating from the conservative sector right now. It is unnerving and upsetting to say the least.


For anyone scrolling through the comments going through a really hard time I truly hope things get better for you no matter who you are. Please don't give up trying. There is a reason you are here reading this message, to remind you that YOU are so important to God and His Son Jesus Christ. I can only imagine what you are going through but God knows and He sees your struggles (Psalm 56:8 Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?)
I also know how difficult life can be and I may not understand your exact experience but I am truly sorry that things have been so tough for you. I care and want you to know that you are not alone, you have a purpose, you are worthy of so much. Please take it one day at a time, one step at a time when it feels unbearable. I am praying that God will send His angels to each and everyone of you to comfort you, surround you with His love, give you peace beyond measure, and to change things for the better. Please know that you are here for a reason and that sometimes we don't always know why we go through things, maybe to help someone else going through the same thing because you understand such pain that someone else may not. Please also know you also have a Savior Jesus Christ who died for you, He loves you more than you could ever know. Please ask Him for forgiveness of wrongs and ask Him into your heart believing with sincerity. He can guide you in all things. I speak from experience it doesn't matter what we have done or that we think we don't measure up He will meet us where we are, even in our lowest low. He can give you peace beyond measure, I speak from experience. I can only imagine how hard it has been for you but I truly hope the best is yet to come for all of you. Please never give up, because He won't give up on us. He is the good shepherd that will come after you shall you fall. (Luke 15:4 What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?)
Please remember this when things are heavy on your heart and you feel at the end of your rope


That’s your propaganda but we are fighting for your ignorance


As my good East Tennessean friend Super-Dave would say...."Takes all kinds."


Conservatism is rooted in fear and abuse. Getting stuck in fear and rumination has cognitive costs. Fear limits critical thinking.


Damn, what she said in the end was beautiful. We need both types of folks as if we are one nation.


So she starts this video by basically saying that conservatives like Biden and liberals like Donald Trump. Wait a minute. What?


Is it true that UK healthcare system is better than USA?

Where does USA ranks for healthcare system ?


How many of you have adult liberal children living in your home?

How many adult liberal children are still living at home with your conservative hard working parents?


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I leave my tree as a form of support for the American people


She doesn’t even seem to really want to answer why conservatives aren’t as concerned with Covid, other than blaming the media for basically distortion. Also why would you conceptualize liberals as less concerned with outside threats if she knows they suffer neuroticism at greater rates. Obviously higher anxiety should translate into great threat worry


Fear of change, paranoia, stubborn, the belief that "might makes right", they only hear what they want to hear, don't really dig for the facts, fits my GOP sister and brother-in-law perfectly :(


Biden VS Trump internationally, Biden is not as well known. He may be a former VP, I can't name any VP outside of the US. Biden is a rank and file politician, meaning it is easy to replace him with any other politician on the line.


Another way of phrasing that is conservatives like to be told how things should be done so they can follow rules and always expect the same results whereas liberals like to explore new things, aren't afraid of making mistakes and always willing to change course towards improvement.


This is boardering on eugenics. They are assuming that the personality traits are genetic or household upbringing as oppose to culture influenced by material situations. This doesn't explain why rural, surburban, and urban people have the same beliefs regardless of where they are in the country.
