A heroic mother saving a terrified five-year-old from #being #attacked by a #raccoon is unbelievable

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The_ video_ describes_ a_ raccoon _attack _on _a_ five_year_old _girl, _and# _how_ the# heroic mother acted to save her daughter from a terrifying #raccoon_ attack_It was_ determined _that the _attacking _raccoon had rabies, a disease that can cause brain inflammation and death in humans. The video was filmed showing the raccoon attacking the girl, and how the mother scrambled bravely to save her daughter. The video was shared on social media, garnering headlines such as "Heroic Mom Saves Her Frightened Daughter From Raccoon Attack" and "Hero Mom 2020". In general, the video includes vocabulary such as raccoon, raccoon attack, hero mother, rabid raccoon, babies, danger, and potential risks of exposure to wild animals like raccoons.
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I fell bad for the raccoon but the mom is a hero but you killed that raccoon when she threw it


Shotgun blast one BANG shotgun blast two BANG BANG


That when you smash its skull into the concrete
