10 Ways to KNOW if your CANNED FOOD is BAD

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Canned food can last a lifetime, as long as they were prepared correctly and the integrity has been maintained. But how do you know?

👍 👍 👍 WATCH THIS NEXT – How long does CANNED FOOD last? 👍 👍 👍

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Title: Tractor Pull by Silent Partner Genre
Mood: Dance & Electronic + Dark
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If anyone ever invents a test strip for botulism they will be rich!


I actually got food poisoning from cleaning a refrigerator at a client's home I must have had a scratch or something on my hands because within 3 hours after cleaning the fridge I had a horrible case of food poisoning. So wear gloves if you're cleaning a really bad fridge with rotten food in it.


A lot of people who can their food remove the ring's and store them without them. So it's the lid that is important .


Excellent little video. I would add: if you suspect botulism, dispose of the damaged/leaking containers carefully. Do not leave them where children could touch or taste them. Do not "avoid waste" by giving the food to dogs or cats, or even pigs or chickens. Burn the spoiled food or (on city sewage) flush it down the toilet. Every spring, review the safety guidelines before you start canning, and be careful to follow only modern, well-tested methods of canning.


2:57 the RINGS shouldn't even be on the jars because it can effect the seal of the lid, also can give a false sense of security by holding unsealed lids on making them appear sealed. Rings can trap food particles or moisture causing contamination or corrosion.


As a kid I remember home made jam sometimes having green mold on the surface in the jars. We just used to spoon off the mold & just use the jam as normal. Don't ever recall getting any adverse effects


Great info. Ditto on the can goods. I have a friend that spent his summers in a remote cabin in Alaska with no running water or electricity. He was in his early 20s and a hard core rock climber with no time for food preparation. So, him and his buddy bought cases and cases of chili with beans, which he claimed to provide enough calories and nutrients for their three months of climbing. They just ate it straight out of the can so no cooking was necessary. I've followed in his footsteps for years, and found this to be a very complete meal.


When canning be sure to run your finger along the top of the jar and make sure that it is smooth with no chips or dips in the glass. These can cause the lids to not seal properly and come unsealed with age.


Ewww, I absolutely hate the pull tab cans they are awful!! Very informative video thank you.


Excellent information.

FWIW when you have to toss questionable canned goods (Ex: highly acidic tomato or Kraut) put bad food on a tree stump - nail chicken wire around the base and dump the food inside and on top. Within a year the trunk will be decayed enough to remove with a garden hoe. Chicken wire can be reused for a compost enclosure.


You should clarify what you were saying with the home canned jelly jar. You have a band on a finished canned product, which you shouldn't. If the LID is loose, yes, discard the contents. However if the band is loose, it's suppose to be after the jar cools, as that results in a vacuum.


Fear of botulism is why I am afraid to can at home.


If I never not compleatly sure about the can I’ll put a little water on the top of the can and tilt the can towards the can opener, as soon as you break the seal it should suck in the water. That confirms that the can is still vacuum packed. Next smell the contents, if ok dump into a bowl and look for spots or funky discoloration on the lid or inside the can. 😊


The only problem I had was a can of pineapple. There was a bit of rust or black mark on the rim, the best buy date was a year before. I now watch those high acid fruits and veggies. Good advice.


You asked for comments:
1. do not store tomatoes/tomato sauces with the other canned goods. They do go bad.
2. I didn't buy potatoes separately. Instead I bought cases and cases of beef stew (plenty of potatoes in stew) in January 2020.
3. Soups can be eaten right out of the can. The problem is that many have preservatives and deliberately too much salt.
4. A person doesn't need much meat protein to survive. The problem is obtaining meat protein after shtf. I have cases and cases of sardines (which I do not eat), meat chile and beans, tuna fish. I have spam (which I do not eat) and you should not eat more than a couple slices a day.
5. If and when you add up calories from a can of tuna, a can of fruit, a can of veggies, you end up short on calories. This is why you make hardtack from flour, sale and water today. It will last for many decades. I store it in zip lock baggies in clear, water resistant plastic boxes in the dark garage. When you want to eat it, crumble it and put it in soup/stew/tea/coffee and you are good to go without a big fire or a lot of clean up.


I learned about swollen cans when I opened a can of anchovies in the office. I thought it unusual the can was puffed up but didn't have a clue.
It exploded and I don't work there


Unfortunately its hard to find cans without pull tabs here in Australia


I've found quite a few cans of Vienna Sausage bulging. These were at least two years past the best buy date and were pull tabs.


I had one can that weighed almost nothing! All the water inside had leaked away leaving the inside food dry! It had been stored over 15 years. Got to inspect your stash every year for stuff happening!


Well I just opened a bad can. Beets with two dents, one really crumpled in. As I picked it up, I suddenly wondered if the lid bulged slightly...decided probly not. Started to use the can opener and juice spurted out, not just leaked. Took a sip of the liquid and spit it out as it seemed a little bitter or different. Tried eating a slice--and spit it out. Gave up on the beets! After a minute I began gagging and spit out as much mucous as I could. It would be good to take extra vitamin C right now! When I tore open the paper label over the dent, there was some dark dried gooey liquid that had not stained the label, so it would be good advice to look under the label over the dent to check.
