Cleaning Homes Of Elderly People Made Me A MINIMALIST - This Is What I've Learned

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The most important lesson I learned about minimalism.
Why cleaning homes of elderly and disabled people made me a minimalist.

Storytime: Today I want to share the most important lessons I've learned from cleaning the homes of elderly and disabled people as a teenager. It's one of the reasons why I became a minimalist and started to declutter my belongings. And why I love minimalism and a minimal lifestyle so much.

#storytime #minimalism #lessonslearned #minimalistlifestyle
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So many people don’t think about their stuff, it has come to their house so it stayed in their house, collecting dust, etc. Every item in my house i’m aware off, if it fits no more i threw it out, it’s a addicting and loves being a minimalist, the less the better.


I live with my aging mom and although the visual or apparent look of our home is mostly minimal, it is what is inside the drawers and closets that my mom will never let me clean out that makes me continually want to keep my own room very decluttered. I also worked with a lady who had 3 husbands die and with her money, she would purchase every expensive knick knack out there and then adorn every space of her walls and furniture with these things. It was impossible to keep dusted. I haven't been able to be as minimalist as yourself, but I just LOVE to live vicariously through yours and other minimalists' videos! Keeps me hopeful for the day I will be there too!


This is the best video on youtube about this subject!! You are the only one I know of that explains this PROBLEM. I just lived this with my 90 year old mother. She lives in a senior building and all apartments were being remodeled. She had to pack everything in boxes. What a nightmare. I had a serious talk with her that stuff needs to go. I vow to never let this be my future. EVER.


Hi Anja, after listening ti this video, I must say I’ve found I have even more in common with you. I didn’t clean elderly people’s homes as a teenager ( I had to babysit instead!) but what you described here, I saw this with my own parents as they got older. As a child I lived with my family in a big house with my two brothers and me, plus all our pets. But when you walked in, you wouldn’t know it! Our house was immaculate and orderly. It was beautiful. But for my parents last 15 years of their lives, the house was exactly as you described the houses you had to clean back then. My mother couldn’t accumulate enough stuff! She just wanted more and more things in the house and wouldn’t throw out anything. When I would come over and try to help by packing up stuff to get rid of, my mother would have a fit and take it all back. Anything broken got put in the basement rather than be thrown out. Clothes that didn’t fit my mother anymore got put into the back of her closet. Not given away or tossed out. So that’s when I started thinking I want less and less, rather than more. It really upset me, visiting my parents in their older years. I couldn’t stand it and I couldn’t stand the house being a mess when it was so lovely when I was a kid.
For myself, last week I did a very hard thing. I don’t drive so I hired someone to drive me around to different places to sell half of my jewelry. I cried at the end of the day but I did it. It’s gone. Only my favorite few pieces left, which I’ll keep. I was thinking of you on that day last week. You give me so much encouragement!


I was a professional over the road mover owner operator for United Van Lines and also had time with Mayflower Van Lines as an award wiining driver moving families coast to coast for 18 years.
Older folks were the biggest hoarders one elderly lady's house had so much crap it was hard to walk room to room etc a trip hazard everywhere
At 71 now I am a devout minimalist (favorite hobby)
Some have said to me "Your walls are so empty"
I reply "No there full"
I have read hoarding is a sign of inner emptiness
If you pick up an object ask yourself "Does it give me joy?" If not, thank it for the times that it did and part with it


Don’t forget that it creeps up on you as you age and you lose energy to do the decluttering. Compassion for seniors - it’s not always easy. Nice your learning early to have less. Also families have a way of leaving their stuff with you when they pass


Highly recommend ‘The gentle art of Swedish Death cleaning’ for us older folk. I think you mentioned this book at one time. Short, sweet and impactful!


I grew up in the 80s in an era of excess
I am now in my 40s and only started the minimalist journey in the last couple of years I wish I had done it decades ago
My parent still hoard in their 70s and its sad to see the attachment to useless pointless things and all the money wasted on junk 💜


I wish every teenager would help the elderly and learn from them 👍🏻🏆
(I did when I was a teenager too)


My friend in another state, was told she should clean out, and sell her big home. She is older and in bad health. Her attitude is, "I worked all my life for my home. Now I want to relax stuff." I have cleaned out and I'm more minimal .But, I respect her thoughts.


I use to take care of older people as well, alot of them had so much "stuff."
It was so ridiculous!
But minimalism wasn't a big thing back in early 90's.

As time went on I discovered minimalism, and I love it!

By practicing minimalism,
I can have a more peaceful mindset.

I think those that are older and practice minimalism may have alot easier time staying in their home.


THIS! I wish everybody had the opportunity to experience the same situation early on in life. This sentiment is shared by most people that work in home-based healthcare and the emergency services. Seeing how much clutter and "excess stuff" hinders elderly people's quality of life is truly eye opening.


My mum passed away just over a year ago and I never realised how much she owned until I had to go through it all. Box after box of school work, everything kept from us 6 kids from every yr of primary school. Enough candles, . make-up and toiletries to fill a shop. 3 wardrobes full of her clothes. It was so overwhelming and it made me glad to be a minimalist


Thank you for sharing this, it's a good reminder of where we end up when we care too much about things long after there no longer useful for our lives.


Wish i knew about it at my teen ages. Now i am adult and realized how i feel tired take care stuffs that i really wanted at my young age. Now i just want to have a big space and surrounded with THINGS that really important n spark joy. Treasured good peoples and leave the toxic one


It’s quite a sad reflection on things really, that some people never discover the joys of living with less and getting off the hedonic treadmill at all.

I only discovered minimalism in my late 30s. But I am so glad that it helped me realise I was pursuing things that couldn’t fulfil me or for me lead to a fulfilling life. Minimalism has not just allowed me to focus on more important things, but still, visually quiet spaces bring me a great sense of peace and well-being. It’s been crucial to me not ‘burning out’. 🙏

Thank you again, Anja for your insightful content and for providing us with a lived example of minimalism. You’ve given me the courage to go further in my minimalist journey than I had so far and let go of even more things. To live the life I am living right now and not to have enough to have 8 people to dinner (that is simply not my life at the moment - it may become my life again or it may not, but if it does I can adjust at the time - I don’t need things on a ‘just in case’ basis).


Wonderful and compassionate insights, Anja. "A life full of distractions . . " Well stated. Some of the cluttered spaces shown in this video brought back memories of similar experiences and gave me a renewed appreciation for the present moment. Hugs to you and Olivia. 🧡


Wow! Just looking at the photos of clutter homes gave me anxiety and I felt suffocated. I am also a minimalist and love your videos. Why live like that with such a chaotic world now, just keep it simple and stress free. 😌💖


I have a chronic illness and before it gets to the point where I can't do it I am clearing everything I don't use or wear out. I don't want family to have to do it for me when I'm gone. It's such a good feeling to be rid of it all.


Hi Anja, another great video, I watched it twice.. you are so right in your observations.
