Formal vs Informal English|Learn spoken English in one minute|Advanced English vocabulary builder

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#Formal vs Informal words
#Formal words
#Informal words
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whatasking for information about somethingWhat is your name?asking for repetition or confirmationWhat? I can't hear you.
You did what?what...forasking for a reason, asking whyWhat did you do that for?whenasking about timeWhen did he leave?whereasking in or at what place or positionWhere do they live?whichasking about choiceWhich colour do you want?whoasking what or which person or people (subject)Who opened the door?whomasking what or which person or people (object)Whom did you see?whoseasking about ownershipWhose are these keys?
Whose turn is it?whyasking for reason, asking what...forWhy do you say that?why don'tmaking a suggestionWhy don't I help you?howasking about mannerHow does this work?asking about condition or qualityHow was your exam?how + adj/advasking about extent or degreesee examples belowhow fardistanceHow far is Pattaya from Bangkok?how longlength (time or space)How long will it take?how manyquantity (countable)How many cars are there?how muchquantity (uncountable)How much money do you have?how oldageHow old are you?how come (informal)asking for reason, asking whyHow come I can't see her?
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Thanks for sharing such an informative video 👍 as it helps Learning english very easy for everyone.
I must say it helps both beginners and pro English speaker in learning english.
Thanks for being daily English vocabulary booster for us
