Cozy Getaway in a Tiny Rustic Cabin - Snowfall, Fireplace, Blizzard, Wind Sounds for Sleep, Insomnia

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A cozy tiny rustic cabin combined with wind sound effects will provide you with a cozy rest. Imagine that you are in a tiny cozy village house, snowfall outside the window, and a fireplace is burning inside. Cozy wind sounds will give you a unique rest and relieve insomnia. Sounds of nature have a beneficial effect on a person, such as a snowstorm, snowfall, and the sounds of a fireplace. To improve your mental health, transfer yourself to the atmosphere of a winter house, it will help you sleep better, relax and get rid of insomnia.

The final part of the storyline:
" I woke up from a fluffy cat licking my face. As I found out later, her name was Lucy. Bob was not in the room, apparently he woke up earlier. I went down the old wooden stairs to the first floor of the house. There I saw Bob and James, who were busily preparing breakfast. "Oh, buddy, are you awake yet? Go wash up and let's have breakfast," James exclaimed. I went to the bathroom. When I washed myself, I saw from the window that the snowstorm had ended. We had a pleasant conversation over breakfast, and also started talking about the fact that we would have to leave, since the weather had already improved. As soon as James heard this, his face changed, it was clear that he was upset. "Guys, where can you go, because tomorrow is Christmas?! Tomorrow my children and grandchildren will come for Christmas dinner, and I have already told them that we have guests, and you will also be with us on this holiday!" Bob and I were a little shocked by how welcoming Jason was. Looking into his sincere, expectant eyes, we couldn't refuse, and gladly accepted the offer. Frankly, Bob and I were glad about it, because the house was so nice and cozy that we wanted to stay there a little longer. That day, the three of us went to a nearby lake to fish and have a good time in nature. The next day James's large and friendly family arrived. He had two sons, one daughter, and six wonderful grandchildren. They were all wonderful people. We all prepared a festive dinner together and then sat down at the table. This evening was very fun and interesting. After dinner we played board games and then sang along to the guitar, which James played masterfully. I will remember this evening for a long time. The next morning we thanked James and went with Bob to the railway station, bought a train ticket there and went back to the city, home. "

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🌠 это так прекрасно и трогательно 👏👏❄️❄️❄️ благодарю Вас 🙏🎁🌲🌰🌰🌰


I'm transported to Christmas eve. 12 midnight watching Columbo on tv. Bourbon in hand.


It is very nice and warm with the fireplace and you are relaxing
in your comfy chair drinking hot coffee and looking out at the
snow falling outside over neighborhood and it as perfect as it
is going to get, have an awesome g'night y'all.☕🏘️🌨️


Siempre en polo norte la naturaleza es muy genial


I love how this music evokes such powerful emotions in me, from nostalgia to happiness to peacefulness. It's truly a masterpiece.


Чудесный святочный рассказ получился! Рождество это время доброго волшшебства и приятных сюрпризов! Рождественская елочка, как в детстве, умиляет и дарит предвкушение праздника!


The beauty you show us in all your content and the way you finish each detail is an outstanding gift that you have. Thank you for all you create! ❤


Ohhh so perfect. Reminds me of a happy memory.


What a glorious sound of a deadly blizzard raging against a life sustaining fire on the other side of the wall.


Reading your storylines makes me just as happy and peaceful as watching and listening to the videos. This one is especially beautiful as I love Christmas. Thank you Rainy Guy for always bringing the goods !! Much love.


🌲❄️❄️❄️ прелесть 👏👏 спасибо огромное за волшебную ночь🌠🔥 нет слов 💯☃️☕🎉🎉


Mon ami, comme toujours une belle vidéo, une ambiance de Noël qui fait du bien à l’âme et au cœur 🧡merci de nous accueillir dans cette paisible cabane d’hiver ou le crépitement de la cheminée repose mon esprit fatigué😴🔥je souhaite à tous une nuit douce et remplie de beaux rêves!✨️💖


I'm always excited when I find out you've created another soundscape


If you're reading this you're loved and worthy of love ❤


wow my friend, que pronto llegó navidad en Ucrania, haha! Muy bonito como siempre tu trabajo


Thank you so much Rainy Guy 😊 for another great storyline, love it, very heart touching 😊👍 and thank you for sharing this and for everything you do 🙏💞 you actually help so many people 💖🙏 and God bless you 🙏😊 and thank for leaving me with the feeling of being warm and comfy and cozy and safe 😊👍❤️🌬️🌨️🌬️☃️🌬️❄️🌬️💨🥶🍵☕☕🍵👍


Bellissimo...un anticipo del Natale...💖❤️🕯️


Елочка!🎄 Уже пора!✨ Разобрать свою новогоднюю ёлку.. потому что скоро надо наряжать новую)🥂 Очень рада, что нашла возможность смотреть ваши видео на Ютуб, с начала августа у нас проблемы, замедлили просмотр видео. Справился Firefox..


Wonderful as always.
Love from Denmark ❤
