Taking the Bucklos Air Suspension Fork Apart, What's Inside?

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I took the budget Bucklos suspension fork apart to see what makes it tick. The basic design is just about identical to the Suntour XCR Air and looks like some parts will be interchangeable. I plan on putting this fork on a Walmart Schwinn Axum budget build. We'll see how it holds up!

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It's a _damper, _ not a "dampener."


Very well done, I just bought these forks to put on my hybrid as the rigid forks are just torturing me, I ride over 100 miles per week all on the road and am so ready to get these installed.


Tony, thanks for reporting back with this fork. I was able to install it in my Specialized pitch 27.5 and I love it. Good thing I had an extra crown race, since it didn't come with one. I took it to a blue trail here in AZ and it helped me climbing with its remote lock. I am very impressed with their absorption even though it doesn't really feel it moves with small obstacles. I finally gave a good break to my hands and forearms after riding that old stock pogo stick fork my bike came with.


I find if you put 15wt rockshox fluid inside the air piston side the small bump sensitivity darastically increases añd the stroke becomes alot more smoother almost like a fox 32


Great video! Thank you for sharing. Please remind people to purge the air from the air side before taking an air fork apart. Keep it up!


I know this is a big ask, but man you gotta make a video of how to maintenance these forks, its can really be intimidating especially for beginners like me, to take this apart and put it back together again, I tried looking for videos on how to maintenance these cheap forks for example taking them apart and putting grease on them and stuff. I would love to learn, once again there's no videos out there, that get into maintenance on these cheap forks. Just a thought I had while watching the video, also I will recommend people that video on my channel if you were to ever do it. Alot of these cheap forks get views, I can only imagine how many views it will get if you taught the basics of maintaining it, since people have trouble with them once in a while. I would do the video my self but I don't have the confidence to take it apart and mess around with it. Thanks man, and I really hope you take your time to make a video like that.


Hi Tony, new subscriber here! I have been using chinese parts and tools for long time and is very impressive the quality and they really last. Recently, I bought one of these bucklos forks for my al comp. I haven't installed yet but the quality is very impressive. Let's see how it goes. In these days, everything comes from China, just relabel it and good to go. Great content, cheers!


Too good mate! Building an old 2007 Trek slr 6500 Medium, was going with the Bucklos, then went for the new 2023 edition of the Balony 32 26 QR manual lock, 1650gram +or- 50gr. Quite a few improvements have been made to the look and interns to these Forks could you do a Video? to bring the old bike down to a 10.5kg+ nimble, climber/racer.


that sucks that it rubs. but hopefully everything still works fine. my air forks have plastic sliders too so our forks are pretty similar.


Thanks for showing this. I think I have this exact fork. And I just noticed that the rebound knob doesn’t quite work it seems like it’s not installed properly. I’m going to attempt to get it working.


My suspension lockout blew out after a 50m test ride down my driveway


Thanks for your review.
One question though.
Why is your tapered tube scored is something rubbing? If it is, it might snap the tube in half eventually. You might want to check whybits doing that.


Buddy, my Bucklos suspension is leaking air.

I need to open the suspension, but for that, I need to know the amount of oil in each part of the suspension and the viscosity of the oil used.


Hi tony I just got one. And I notice it bottoms out depending on what I’m doing. Do you know if it’s possible to add a spacer to the fork to reduce the chance of bottoming out


Hi Tony. You mentioned that it was 120mm travel. I got one for my son. Travel is only 80mm. Have you measured actual travel on yours?


I have this fork on my MTB. The red rebound knob on the bottom of the fork has suddenly frozen. Any idea what causes this? Is it fixable with a Suntour servicing kit or other means?


so does this fork not have foam rings by the wipers? I have this same fork and I've had it for about 3 yrs and never serviced it so it's starting to stick. I figured I'd tear it down today and give it a cleaning and a relube.


Question about the oil that goes into the air chamber. My Chinese air fork came with grease inside instead of oil. If I were to use oil instead of the grease would it work a little smoother? I can't tell if grease or oil is better. And that is of course using basic fork oil


Hi! Just purchased one of these forks. How much oil do you recommend to put and what weight? I want to tune the fork before installing it.


Saludos desde República Dominicana. Quiero saber si esa horquillas traen las esponjas que librican las barras por dentro . Agradezco una respuesta
