Do I Regret Buying a Gibson Les Paul? I'm not sure....

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How long does the honeymood period last for you? I grabbed this, my first (and only) Gibson Les Paul in March, and at the time was quite sure it was "the one" for me. Looking back, if I had known I would play it as much as I have....I'm not sure I'd have bought it? At the same time, it stopped me looking at other (more expensive) Les Pauls....

The presets I'm using here will be added to the folder "Eric Lead 35" and "VoxAC15Hall35"

Please leave a comment if you find this type of preset build useful, so that I know to keep making them!

only if you wanted, you could buy me a coffee!

only if you wanted, you could buy me a coffee!
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Strats are so much more comfortable to play, I also bought an LP a few years back to scratch that itch and most of its life has been spent in the case. It looks amazing, it’s what a lot of my guitar hero’s played but I just go back to the strat every time.


I love the way a Les Paul feels. Love the scale length and the flatter 12” radius fingerboard. When playing Classic Rock / Blues-Rock, it is so easy to get that creamy overdrive with humbuckers. I recommend every guitarist have at least a Strat and a Les Paul. You can get all sorts of tones with just those two guitars!


Congrats John on the Gibson Les Paul, I have always come back to them after going down elsewhere roads, it leads me back to them.


I think there are players that can go between both. Joe Bona, Alex Lifeson, etc with good results. I still feel Fender got the whole thing right from the beginning. The strat still looks and plays modern and vintage. Super strays can sound vintage like the Charvel GG and they can get into Gibson territory. And you can argue the tele was the first actual les Paul. But LPs are cool and have a sound and can be versatile. I played Gibson extensively for many years.


The intro impro might be the best I've heard this far on this channel! Phenomenal!!


John, pensive would be a word id use to describe you. Don't change a thing love your content. Btw that les paul sounds warm and smooth but not muddy, beautiful.


I bought an LP trad gold top in 2011...even with a pickup change to OX4's ....still never bonded well and truly scratched....sold with no regrets ...If I need a humbucker solid ...ive replaced it with a vastly modded revstar 620 ( pickups/ bridge / wiring)....truly a great replacement ....335's and tele's are my real casa....


Honestly, at least to my ear, your playing tone with the LP has this mature, sophisticated sound. There is this quality of note attack that jumps off your fingers. I remain a PRS guy but earlier this year a "59 LP came into my playing life and I too struggle to get it in my hands. When I do, it's hard to put down. We guitarists are a fickle lot.


For what it’s worth, I think you sounded very comfortable and the tone was actually a great change to your usual strat voice.


I did the opposite a couple years ago. Meaning that I was always a Strat guy... I bought a LP and now I don't own any Strats. If I want something super-light and just different, I play a 594. I'm also borrowing a Tele and have an SG that I don't play. LPs and 594s are just "my" guitar.


I have a LP…it collects dust…I play a super strat mostly but my daily player is my FGN (mij) tele style…I freakin love everything about it!!!


John, give it a day and go back listen to your intro here again, especially the last few phrases. There is something just different enough in the way you play this guitar to make it worth keeping around. I really like the variation and always happy to see you play the LP - though the vintage blonde K-line is my favourite. Maybe a few of the presets could use a tweak to adapt from Strat to LP a little better???
My 2c yes you can straddle both Gibson type and Fender type worlds. I was a strat and superstrat guy all my life till i got my 335 over 20 years ago, after that i couldn’t imagine being without either of them. If circumstances allow after that it is a Tele and then a LP, and i dont ‘need’ anything else after that (which begs the question why i have more than 4 electrics doesnt it 😂)


Unlike many people, I like having all my guitars be fairly different. I have zero issues switching between them, and embrace them all for different vibes, moods or tones. I try not to let a new guitar into my life unless it brings something unique with it. That said... I recently picked up a Reverend Sensei Jr that is so absolutely fabulous that if I had found it first it surely would have stopped me from buying my 60s Standard Les Paul, and Les Paul Modern. It's crossed my mind to sell them both as the Reverend delivers everything I wanted from them, and more, at around a third of the cost!


Always love when you play that LP. I followed you through your journey from when you had Bebe's LP. I was on the same journey. I had a CS '56 Gold Top, but it was soooo heavy that I never played it. So i traded it, and a couple others for that Murphy Lab 335. I've been most comfortable with my Strat but still wanted a LP. The solution was a Les Paul Classic Lite. I absolutely love it! Thin body, belly cut and weighs 7.2 lbs. It scratches the LP itch but feels closer to a Strat than other LP's. They're rare, but worth it if you can find one. (And, yes... it sounds just like most other Les Paul's.)


This may come across as odd but perhaps a burst type Les Paul isn't the right Paul for a heavily Strat based player. A P90 Goldtop or Special (possible even double cut) may be worth a go.


Beautiful note choices and playing bro.. inspirational


I have s prs ce24 that i absolutely love! Since buying it, i have bought a Gibson les paul standard, epiphone les paul custom and a fender American standard stratocaster. No matter how much i play the other guitars, i always find myself wishing I was playing my prs. Your comparison was perfect. My ce24 just feels like home to me. I like all my other guitars and still play them. I keep them in different tunings so i don't have to change tunings on my prs. The Gibson is a great guitar, but I'm not sure it's worth the price tag.


It might be interesting to hear alternating solos (LP, Strat) played to the same backing track. You might also consider that your presets might not be designed to bring out some of the distinctive tones found in a LP (perhaps for good reason).


Hey John, always wanted ask if you could make a video describing how you write the drum tracks for your demo music? Or if you use drum machines which plugin or tool you use. Thanks.


I am always impressed by the tones you can get out of the Strat, especially the higher gain tones on the bridge pick-up! So I guess that's the guitar for you. I love Les Pauls, for the sound, but they are obviously less versatile in terms of tone possibilities! I play differently on all my guitars and I think that's what I like about them! Maybe just sell it until you can really find "the one" or try and fix the issues. I always pick a guitar that rings before i plug it in, because you can always change pick-ups but no the wood :)
