⚡ Top 10 Signs and Symptoms of Fatty Liver You MUST AVOID

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What are the most common signs and symptoms of fatty liver disease? How can you avoid them? Watch this video to find out!

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➡️ Abdominal Pain
Pain in the abdominal region, specifically a dull, constant pain that doesn’t go away, can be an indication that an underlying condition like fatty liver disease is present. In most cases, the pain is located on the upper right side of the abdominal area where the liver is located.

➡️ Fatigue
People suffering from fatty liver disease are often fatigued, even after they receive a good night’s sleep. Excessive daytime sleepiness is the most common symptom of this condition, and nearly all individuals afflicted report suffering some levels of fatigue.

➡️ Loss of Appetite
This is commonly associated with fatty liver disease because the hormones that control hunger are negatively affected. Without adequate quantities of hormones to stimulate hunger, your appetite will vanish which could indicate that there is a severe problem.

➡️ Unexplained Weight Loss
Weight loss attributed to fatty liver disease is often a direct result of a lack of appetite, as people will be consuming far fewer calories if they aren’t hungry.

➡️ Nausea
In most fatty liver disease cases, other symptoms will appear before nausea. Therefore, if nausea is present, it indicates that fatty liver disease has progressed to an advanced stage. People who suffer from fatty liver also often suffer from Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD).

➡️ Weakness
Weakness is a common symptom of advanced fatty liver disease because the neuromuscular dysfunction associated with changes in metabolism is a common consequence of a malfunctioning liver.

➡️ Jaundice
As red blood cells finish their life cycle, they die and secrete a waste product known as bilirubin. A healthy functioning liver processes bilirubin, removing it from the bloodstream. Jaundice is a condition where the liver is unable to process bilirubin which results in a yellowish discoloration of your skin.

➡️ Dark-Colored Urine
Orange or dark urine is common in people suffering from fatty liver disease, especially if they already have jaundice. The reason why urine is unusually dark is that the kidneys take on the responsibility of the liver and excrete bilirubin in the urine.

➡️ Swollen Legs
When the liver isn’t functioning properly, fluid can build up within the lower extremities, causing the legs to swell. This type of edema is a common symptom of a wide range of diseases mainly relating to problems with the circulatory system.

➡️ Breast Enlargement in Men
Breast enlargement in men is a condition known as gynecomastia. It's an indication of hormonal changes within the body. If the liver is unable to function properly, these hormonal changes can occur, resulting in high estrogen production.



This content is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with a physician with any questions that you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you watch in this video. We strive for 100% accuracy, but errors may occur, and medications, protocols, and treatment methods may change over time.

This description contains affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, we receive a small commission at no cost to you.


0:00 - Intro
0:53 - Abdominal Pain
1:33 - Fatigue
2:27 - Loss of Appetite
3:03 - Unexplained Weight Loss
3:37 - Nausea
4:25 - Weakness
5:22 - Jaundice
6:11 - Dark-Colored Urine
6:46 - Swollen Legs
7:28 - Breast Enlargement in Men



#FattyLiver #FattyLiverDisease #DetoxLiver
Рекомендации по теме

I have liver cancer. No fatty to it. I've had this for over a year and now it's spreading. Have to do more chemo soon. It matasized from the prostate cancer I have from Agent Orange. Got that exposure in Vietnam (67/68). It's also in my bone and bladder. I've been fighting this stuff for nearly 10 years, have had excellent Drs and staff, but now we're getting to where treatment is no longer effective. Well, I have to deal with it as it comes. Not sure how painful it may get, but at least I'm not afraid of it. Not afraid to die either. I'm 75 years old, have lived a life, served my country as ordered. No regrets here. Glad I was there because one never makes better friends than those we serve with


As a person who has never consumed a full glass or bottle of beer (yes, surprising I know), I can attest that this video is pretty accurate. In my younger days, I suffered from chronic non-alcohol related fatty liver disease (NAFLD) mainly in my 20s. I had 7 of the 10 symptoms in this video and I remember my mother always saying I looked "yellow." I used to think she was joking, but when a random ultrasound found my liver was very fatty in my late 30s, I started to take it seriously.
One thing this video doesn't mention which is extremely important is SUGAR, and not just the stuff we put in our beverages and on our cereal, but also the hidden sugars in modern processed foods. By simply HALVING these sugars in my diet I lost 7kg and regained my energy. I've replaced all those sugary snacks with fresh fruit and vegetables and I haven't looked back. Fat is also a part of it, but most of us consume more sugar than fat, and this is what is damaging our health. Exercise is very important too.


It’s very important to not eat seed oils (extra virgin olive oil is fine. It’s made from the fruit of olive), no processed foods, keep refined carbs next to zero, keep sugar very low, and just eat healthy. For me with type 2 diabetes, I have found optimal health with a simple keto style diet.


I just got diagnosed with this. I noticed I been eating fried food for 2 years and also eating non stop late at night. Time for a change.


odd. I have been diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease based on a blood test, and I have literally none of these symptoms. I regulary exercise, I eat well and I get plenty of restful sleep. I think there are a few of us, that just have naturally occurring fat around the liver, that has no effect on our health whatsoever.


1. Abdominal pain
2. Fatigue
3. Loss of appetite
4. Unexplained weight loss
5. Nausea
6. Weakness
7. Jaundice
8. Dark colored urine
9. Swollen legs
10. Brest enlargement in men


I have had cirrhosis for 40yrs and never been treated by medicines or medical treatments Never had symptoms l was diagnosed (Falsely) with cancer that is how l found out about my cirrhosis condition. Also l had hep c and many spinal injuries. I found out 6yrs ago that God has been caring for me and Even those that do Not
Ask for Forgiveness and Repent. But the day Of Judgement is after we Die Some will live Forever and some will Not. We all need to thank God for our time on Earth.Amen.


This is a great video. Almost to the tee exactly the same symptoms I experienced. I tried to explain to my Doctor's for 3.5 year's. After about 100 appointment's they came to the conclusion that my liver was twice the size it was supposed to be. This made me rapidly gain over 50 pounds. I had a colonoscopy and it seemed to of triggered it. They acted as if nothing was wrong with me. I've never experienced such exhaustion. This inflammation also caused severe vitamin deficiencies and joint pain. The fatigue was like nothing I'd ever experienced in my life. I did construction for years and nothing could come close to the exhaustion I was experiencing from this. I also experienced itching in the center of my back and almost a burning sensation directly in the center of my back. I also experienced severe pain in my chest. It felt as if something was going to burst out of my chest. I've lost alot of the weight and symptoms seem to be subsiding slowly. If anyone reads this please share this video with everyone you can because it's highly likely if you have any extra pounds hanging around you may be suffering and don't even realize it. The Doctor's I seen didn't even care to look into anything. This is likely what they do to everyone. I lost alot of weight fast by eating a probiotic yogurt in the morning and one small meal a day in the evening consisting of veggies and a small portion of chicken. I also added tons of herbs and spices to my daily life. I also added lemon water in the morning and evening. I ate alot of honey as well. It seemed gut issues also come along with this health issue so the probiotics everyday helped with that and alot of water.


I was told i had fatty liver, no pain, not really overweight, but did drink. I stopped drinking 1.5 yr ago. Hopefully im better


Never took this serious the first time until I was reminded i had fatty liver now I'm taking things serious and change myself 😊


I had fatty liver milk thistle (silimarin) and diet changes put my enzymes back to normal in one month.


Odd. I've been diagnosed with non alcoholic fatty liver syndrome via a scan for something else. I've got a referral to a specialist. But our medical aid is exhausted. Yet I have virtually none of these symptoms. Definately no weight loss! Fatigue and weakness can be explained by fibromyalgia. My dad died of cirrhosis of the liver at my age, but that was from too much alcohol. I don't believe the medical profession would be able to do anything for me - I'll just have to improve my diet.


I got only one advice that to start intermittent fasting like eating meal every six hours like 3 meals a day and I stared now and good luck for everyone here has same medical issue


The problem is that almost all illnesses have the same or similar symptoms.


I have a fatty liver and the abdominal pain can sometimes feel like an intense form of heartburn.


My husband is at least 100lbs overweight. He is 67 years old and this has been on going for a long time, particularly in the last 10 years. He was not this big when he was younger. He will not listen to me about getting enough exercise. The biggest part of his body is his huge belly. His ankles swell, but sometimes not too badly. He is well aware of his condition. He falls asleep when sitting many times on and off while watching the too much TV that he does. He hasn't been diagnosed with this, but he could have this condition. He is still working as an aircraft mechanic. I worry about his so much. We have been married for 43 years


It should be noted that the upper abdominal pain may also be caused by Gall Bladder stones.


The solution to a lot of problems like this is to eat less. It's especially important to not eat in the period Dinner 6pm - Sleep - Breakfast 8am. You want want to rest your digestive system for 14 hrs, ideally. Good luck.


i don't smoke, drink alcohol nor do i eat fried foods, loads of chocolate. i'm vegetarian and don't soak my food in oil dressings. yet i have NAFLD I have recently developed type 2 diabetes


I have NASH or an advanced liver disease, and I have never had any of the symptoms you mention. The only way my condition was found was an insurance blood test.
