TULIP is better than the Bible!!

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Said no true-Christian ever. The Rev. Voddie MacWasher is back and more loony than ever. Just so you understand that I know what TULIP stands for, here is an actual explanation of TULIP as found on a puritan website written by a proud Calvinist (I did not write this or alter it in any way):

The Doctrines of Grace - by Christopher Blum (Taken from the "A Puritan's Mind" website)

TOTAL DEPRAVITY (or Radical Corruption) asserts that because of the Fall, man’s nature was so drastically affected by sin that he in himself is utterly incapable of believing the gospel or lifting a finger to do God’s will.
[We are totally sinful, yes. We are unable to measure up to God's standard, yes. But we are not incapable of accepting truth when we hear it. Romans 10:17 is clear.]
UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION (or Sovereign Election) asserts that from eternity past, God the Father chose certain individuals from every tongue, tribe, nation and generation of humanity to redeem—the elect—and passed over the rest of mankind—the reprobate. His selection of specific people was not, in any way, based on or related to a foreknowledge of any future faith, repentance or actions of theirs. Being completely independent of any characteristics of the people.
[There is a condition built in to grace. That is, acceptance/belief/trust in Christ as savior. John 3:16 is clear!]
LIMITED ATONEMENT (or Definite Atonement) asserts that Christ’s death on the Cross had only the elect in mind, and was intended to save them alone.
[No. God had the whole world in mind. ALL who would accept Jesus. God did not create robots, or toys. He made people in his image. Complete with the capacity of free will.]
IRRESISTIBLE GRACE (or Effectual Grace) asserts that when the external call to salvation is made, and the gospel is proclaimed either through the spoken word or the silent reading of Scripture, the Holy Spirit extends a special inward call to the elect people that God wishes to save at that particular time. This inward call is called regeneration or the new birth, and, far more than being mere assistance in helping its objects believe, it is an entire reconstruction of their very natures and intrinsic wills, transforming them into, as the Bible puts it, “slaves to righteousness” rather than “slaves to sin.”
[Robots. Calvinism asserts that we are pre-programmed robots. Or puppets. Man is created with a free will. Romans 10:14-15 says "How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: 'How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring good news of good things!'" This passage is silly if we are just puppets, toys, or robots created by God's for his personal amusement.]
PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS (or Preservation of the Saints) asserts that once the Holy Spirit regenerates people, and they place their trust in Christ, they are eternally kept in their state of salvation by God. For when they were unregenerate, their wills were held captive to sin, but are now held captive to righteousness by God. And He faithfully preserves all whom He set out to save and drew to Him.
[I believe in once saved, always saved. But many Calvinists spin this a different way. Mr. Blum here basically asserts OSAS. Though he removes human agency (acceptance of the Gospel) from the equation entirely. But many Calvinists mean, by perseverance, that you have to fight the fight, run the race, persevere... meaning you have to live righteously to the end. If you don't, it proves you weren't really saved. And that the emperor was actually naked. ;-)]
There it is. Unvarnished and straight from the horse's mouth so to speak.

It is HYPER-DETERMINISM, and is also un-scriptural. Sorry!
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