'I'd Love For You To Explain What This Means': JD Vance Presses FAA Nominee Over 'Equity' Agenda

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At today's Senate Commerce Committee hearing, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) questioned Phillip Washington, nominee to be Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration.

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"When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination." Thomas Sowell


I grew up poor with an alcoholic father. I went to bed hungry more times than I care to remember. There were very few opportunities for anybody where I grew up. So when I was old enough I joined the USN. I applied myself and did everything I could to better myself. I used the education benefits available to me to get 2 college degrees. After 25 years on active duty I retired and then became a high school teacher. Everything I have I got based on merit and hard work, nobody gave me anything.

That is the American Dream!


Anyone that hires an employee under “equity” at a job and as an end result hurts people due to “equity” needs to be held accountable. Fact is, the best person needs to be in place, not elevate someone for “equity.”


Merit above all else… that’s equality. 
That was a good line of questioning Mr. Vance. Very well said. Respectful yet insightful!


I worked for Flying Tiger Freight Airline at Los Angeles International Airport for decades. I never saw racism, of any kind in any part of their hiring practices. We had everything, including all genders, races and ages from Vice Presidents, pilots, flight attendants, cargo handlers and all administrative positions as we were a global freight company with military contracts. I am not saying there is no racism anywhere in our country but the constant emphasis on gender and racial issues takes us back into the realm of the divide we find ourselves in today.


What they always forget to mention is that it isn't putting people on equal footing by simply lifting some up. It's bringing some down, forcefully, and redistributing it to others.


Equity is based on making everyone as dumb or slow as the weakest link on the team.
Equality means everyone has an equal chance to be the best based on ability and competence.


"Equity has everybody on a level playing field".
Picture, literally, shows an UNEVEN playing field with different people being given different amounts of assistance.


“A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom BEFORE equality will get a high degree of both.”
~ Milton Friedman


Lower standards to meet quotas for *any* job is a recipe for disaster. I've read a couple of articles about schools getting rid of AP or honor programs because it can make other students feel "lower". Pushing people down rather than helping people up will have a detrimental effect on society at large.


I tried to apply for an FAA position as a Center ATC. I had high test scores and personal recommendations from current controllers. I was told that unless I suddenly became an Asian Woman that I had no chance. Affirmative Action ruined this organization and we don't need more of it under a different banner.


The push for equity is the new kinder gentler racism


I retired from a company that hired based on meeting the EOE guidlines, and once a person was hired via those guidlines, they never were fired for incompetence. In fact they would bend over backwards to give that person more leeway and less work responsibility to avoid having to fire them. But someone not hired by those guidlines would get fired for the slightest violation of company policy and/or proceedures.


I am immensely proud to have voted this man into the senate. He is articulate, measured, and most importantly of all, sensible.


Equality means everyone has the same opportunity for success. Equity means putting more value in one group over another. So, now I have to ask: 1) Who gets the preferential treatment 2) Who gets to decide that group/groups 3) What is the cost?


I would rather hurt the feelings of an unqualified pilot, than the feelings of 250 passengers and explaining to their families why DEI was more important than their lost lives.


“I sure hope my flight crew is diverse.”

- Nobody


I was raised to expect anyone in a job to be up to the jobs expectation, never to put color, race into the picture NEVER been an issue outside of knowledge in my mind.


What makes this even more worrisome is that when these so called "equity" people are hired no one company can easily fire them because of their incompetence and they can remain incompetent for that same reason.


Equality is equal. Equity is a free ride for a certain group. That is racism.
