More on Romans 13 and Todd Friel

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Talked about some fundamental and foundational issues relating to Romans 13.

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Please keep in mind that whether you agree with Dr. White or Todd Friel, neither of them are heretics. They are both brothers in Christ and both should be treated as such.


“We must always obey those in authority over us unless they command us to do something God forbids or forbids us from doing what God commands” - R.C. Sproul


Greetings from Ireland . Thank you Dr White for bringing Scriptural clarity on controversial issues as such . Just finished your book “The Forgotten Trinity “ and have just ordered “The God Who Justifies” and “Scripture Alone.” Thank you for ministry . I have started a little ministry, sharing the gospel with Muslims and your debates have been such an encouragement and example of how we are to reach out with truth, yet with Christ like love and boldness .


Thanks Dr. White! Your sword is still sharp from constant battle. You are a spiritual father though still a young man!


"true it is, God has commanded kings to be obeyed; but likewise true it is, that in things which they commit against His glory, He has commanded no obedience." John Knox


What a timely video! Clearly, in the Bible God holds unbelievers accountable as well as professing believers. We have examples of this when judgement was rendered upon those who oppressed Israel in the OT. Prayerfully people in the church will wake up and start thinking Biblically and critically about these issues that are effecting everyone.


"Your Majesty has issued a decree that everyone who hears the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe and all kinds of music must fall down and worship the image of gold, " Daniel 3;10


GREAT video - as usual, James is SPOT ON !!


Dietrich Bonhoeffer had similar issues when it came knowing when the government had overstepped its godly boundaries. We are here once again, and it will only get worse from here.


Romans 13:11, 12
And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.


Did anyone else see the connection between the main "state vs. God" point made by Dr. White and the story of the Marine getting scared by lightning? Although a U.S. Marine (representing the state) is a formidable force, he is nothing compared to the power and sovereignty of God (as represented by the lightning). Kinda plays right into the whole point being made. Thanks Dr. White for your work!


I would wager that Oliver Cromwell better understood and believed more stongly in Romans 13 than most of our modern evangelical leaders. Food for thought.


The thing to remember is that Jesus Christ is KING of kings and LORD of lords. That means that He has authority over all kingdoms, governments, and nations, including the USA. So yes, every politician, every dictator, every government leader will definitely be judged for every decision they make that violates the word and will of God.


I can’t believe people actually believe that about governments. That’s like saying the Assyrians (who were God’s rod against Israel) were perfectly autonomous in doing the evil they did, free from punishment—yet we know that’s clearly not the case from scripture.


The other issue that I don’t hear people bringing up is the fact that the United States has a much different form of government then when Romans 13 was written. When that was written governments were rulers over the people. In the United States that’s not how it works. We the people are the ones in charge and the government is our servant. They are bound by the United States Constitution and their constituents. While we the people have given them Authority to carry out justice, that does not take away the fact that they are servants not rulers. They are bound by Romans 13 to obey the United States Constitution. The Constitution is the ruler over the government officials and their offices. When they disobey the Us constitution, they have become the lawless ones…the criminals. And what part of Romans 13 commands all believers to obey lawless criminals? I can’t find that in there anywhere.


I wish we had links to the videos he is talking about.


I mean according to Psalms 110... If these leaders don't kiss the son then He's going to end up beating their brains out on a creek bank before it's all said and done. So I'm gonna lean toward God's law being enforced as the objective standard.


I was thinking the exact same thing about what is good and evil that Paul meant in Romans 13. Esp now when people say it’s fine for a man to be woman as a good thing that is why personally I am a theonimist


1 Peter 2-3 say Christian slaves must submit to their wicked and abusive slave masters, and Christian wives must submit to their wicked husbands. They are supposed to do this in order to convert the wicked master/husband. Why would this concept not apply to the Christian submitting to a wicked government, which is how the context of submission opened in 1 Peter 2?


A lot of the criticisms of Todd on here seems to stem from insecurity - a need for others to approve of and applaud your decision.

If you listened to his segment, he wouldn’t disagree with your decision to not take the V - he just said others may feel differently and that’s okay. And it is okay if that is their prayerful decision.

I listened to Todd’s segment and came away with a stronger resolve to not subject my family to unnecessary medical treatments that would violate my conscience.
