Orthodox Christians PRESS Ruslan on Sola Scriptura Protestant Belief @JonathanPageau @dirtpoorrobins

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Bio: Ruslan KD is a Christian YouTuber of Armenian descent who was a refugee from Baku, Azerbaijan, before moving to the United States as a child. He started his YouTube channel in the mid-2010s, which has since grown into a popular platform for discussing faith, lifestyle, and music. Known for his insightful commentary on Christian living, culture, and personal development, Ruslan has built a community of followers who value his thoughtful approach to contemporary issues. In addition to his YouTube presence, Ruslan is a speaker, author, and advocate for godly ambition, often addressing topics related to leadership, mental health, and the integration of faith in everyday life.

Our mission is to encourage, empower, and inspire people to live a life that Blesses God, in accordance with His word. As the Psalmist proclaims, "Bless God in the great congregation, the Lord, O you who are of Israel's fountain" (Psalm 68:26 ESV), and "Every day will I bless Thee; and I will praise Thy name forever and ever" (Psalm 145:2 KJV). Just as Simeon, after encountering Jesus, "took him up in his arms and blessed God" (Luke 2:28 ESV), we seek to lead others in a life of stewardship, relevant engagement, and practical living that honors and blesses the Lord.
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I was born Orthodox and left the church 10 years ago for Evangelicalism. A few month ago I returned to the apostolic Orthodox church. Glory to God. I feel home.


I love that Orthodoxy is getting more exposure here in America. Glory to God ☦️🙏🖤


Go to a Divine Liturgy this Sunday at an Orthodox church.
Go talk to the priest after.


I’ve been a Protestant for decades, have gone to bible college and have been involved in ministry to one degree or another throughout this time …..in just about every context where i heard “sola scriptura” touted, whether by laypeople, pastors, professors, personalities or authors, sooner or later it became evident that among those wielding the phrase there were distinct differences in scriptural interpretations, sometimes on fundamental issues (soteriology, pneumatology and eschatology especially)…..or…..people who liked to invoke “sola scriptura” all day long often knew next to nothing of scripture, and of those who did know most didn’t actually follow it anyway………….we’ve been so divided that the western church has been a circular firing squad, whilst the enemy has happily had his way with shaping culture to a catastrophically large degree……I’m finding my way into Orthodoxy and hope one day to become a catechumen …..Lord have mercy


If two protestants of the same denomination disagree on scripture interpretation, how do they decide who is right? and how do they decide what to teach?


When you see a picture of yourself in the thumbnail. You click on that video 😂


Strongly appreciate this conversation. Thank you for being open to have conversation and understanding. Where I am in my walk and study this is very encouraging


Ruslan gets mad about them straw manning sola scriptura and then says that Catholicism didn't get infallibility until 1850. C'mon man, be better. Even if you don't agree, be accurate. You could've easily said the teaching on infallibility, which Catholics claim to have believed for 2, 000 years, was officially / infallibly taught at such and such a date. You know that even though the Trinity wasn't dogmatized until the Council of Nicaea, it doesn't mean the Trinity didn't exist prior. Sometimes an issue becomes so controversial the church has to formally dogmatize it.


I react to the catholic bit of the conversation (catholic myself, to be clear). First, the pope cannot change dogma, contrary to what has been said. Second, there is much more overlap between orthodoxy and catholicism than between protestantism and any of the other two. That is obvious. Catholics and orthodoxes (?) share the sacraments, saints, liturgy, etc. Third, the celibacy of priests is not an absolute rule in catholicism, it is disciplinary in the roman rite only. And there even are ordained married men in the roman rite, but that is not the ordinary rule, and there are ordained married man in other rites of the catholic church - particularly the oriental rites. Fourth, when I hear say that Ruslan (?) feels closer to the orthodox about Mary than to catholics when considering Trent Horn's answer on that point, I laugh... orthodoxy has a great devotion to Mary (and other saints, as already pointed out). I understand that a protestant should feel closer to orthodox because of the pope, but in the end, that's about it. Orthodox and Catholics agree on about all the essentials. I don't know how the conversation went after that sequence, but I find it rather disingenuous, to be honest, and straw manning the catholic diversity. The issues between catholics and orthodox are limited to a few points. And the question of the pope is actually rather more subtle as the primacy of Rome is a question of how is it exerted, as far as I understand the orthodox position. And that is a point that could evolve in the future - Benedict XVI made clear that particular point on various occasions, before and after being elected pope.


A lot of strawmen being thrown up about Catholics in this.


Sola scriptura  teaches that the Scriptures are the sole infallible rule of faith for the Church.  The doctrine does not say that there are not other, fallible, rules of faith, or even traditions, that we can refer to and even embrace.  It does say, however, that the only infallible rule of faith is Scripture.  This means that all other rules, whether we call them traditions, confessions of faith, creeds, or anything else, are by nature inferior to and subject to correction by, the Scriptures.  The Bible is an ultimate authority, allowing no equal, nor superior, in tradition or church.  It is so because it is theopneustos, God-breathed, and hence embodies the very speaking of God, and must, of necessity therefore be of the highest authority.” -Dr James White


Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together 🙏🏽


God bless us all and may we come together and may the Holy Spirit bind the truth with the Church and we all love Christ together and praise His Glory Song with all the Angels and Saints! ❤️🙏🏽


Other than the papal question, there's hands down more in common between orthodox and catholic than orthodox and protestantism. Don't know why he would say otherwise


He said your not going to find Jesus outside of the church.. Jesus said, For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them" (Matthew 18:20). Jesus reached me outside of a church. Don’t get me wrong I love going to church.


are the full videos posted? the convo was cut too short


my understanding is that the Protestant Reformation was not about new beliefs/theology. It was about taking the church back to basics, i.e. the Gospel message as taught by Jesus to His Disciples/Apostles and then written down (the New Testament). When I look at why and how the New Testament came to be, it was about preserving what Christ taught, handed down to the Apostles and preached by them with the help of the Holy Spirit. Even when the disciples were still alive, Christians were going off-piste - doctrines being followed that were not the gospel message!! They were duly rebuked! (Galations 1:8). The New Testament is a record of the doctrines/traditions that were sound and being followed as per the apostolic teachings. It was considered ESSENTIAL to put such a collection of writings together because of the crazy stuff that was being put out there even back then and it was agreed by the guys/council who compiled the New Testament that it would be the absolute authority going forward on what was accepted as sound doctrine/tradition. See, not a Protestant idea!! As I said, back to basics! That tells me that if traditions exist that are not in/contrary to the New Testament, they too are off-piste. This is why Sola Scripture is so important. Anyone can start a tradition or doctrine. How do we judge it? Scripture. That is why we have it!


7:03 “Catholics added papal infallibility in 1850”. The hubris to say something like that.

If you’re going to say that the year a dogma is defined is the year that it originated, you’re going to have to say the Trinity originated in the 4th century and doesn’t come from an earlier belief.


I grew a mixed in Orthodox and Protestant churches. My family would attend both. Was highly influenced and i favored the Protestant church. Now after learning more about the early church and the church fathers, I'm beginning to lean more towards orthodoxy. Still love my Protestant brothers and sisters, but I can't help but feel like the earliest connections to Christ, and the way they worshiped has more weight than all the new denominations and doctrines being brought up left and right. God help me to see the truth and if I'm wrong, have mercy on me.


I dont know what im missing here. Whats the rub? If the Bible is the enerrant word of God, how can it not be considered the ultimate athority? Tradition is a fine thing, so long as it doesn't codify destructive behavior or reinforce bad theology. Isnt that obvious? What traditions of men, do some Christians hold equal to scriptural athority?
