A deeper look at the stories of people with near-death experiences and claim to have visited Heaven

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Join us this week as we sit down for an exclusive Insider interview with John Burke, author of “Imagine Heaven.” We’ll dive into his 35-year research project where he studied over a thousand accounts of individuals who claim to have visited Heaven and the conclusions he came to as a result.

Then check out the stories of three different people that have been made into films now streaming on Pure Flix:

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I had an NDE as a child. I had no beliefs. I was at home, not in hospital. I was very sick, just too tired to continue breathing. Had an amazing experience - think everything total ‘love’, ‘peace’, ‘beauty’, ‘non-judgement’ etc. I chose to come back (had a choice, didn’t want to but a few things were explained and I was needed). I never told anyone until decades later. Had a lot of experiences since that would be described as supernatural. It’s all real, Jesus is King of Kings.


I just watched this and I really felt the need to respond to you..
My Dad passed away in 2003 and he actually had only lived 3 weeks after cancer diagnosed. He knew that he was not well and he wouldn't go to the Dr no matter how we tried to have him get checked out. Finally he said ok he would go and I gave him a ride and that's when I was so completely hurt for the fact that every little moment my car made he would moan in terrible pain. He was not a man that ever missed a day of work since 14 when he started working.
I remember taking him in to the Dr and by the time I got home from taking him and him thanking me over and over saying he couldn't have done this without me. I was like oh Dad you could have done fine but inside I knew he was completely not right at all.
I got home and the Dr called and said that he had bad news and to get him to the ER asap because he has cancer. The day we got the worst news was the following day. He was not going to make it and he had lesions on his liver that spread. This was valentine's day and my mom sister and I were at the hospital bawling our eyes out and my Dad was the one who comforted us saying it will be ok. He did shed a few tears but he kept us together. My Dad passed on March 3rd and he went from terrible to I am not able to explain the devastation that daily was like absolutely unbelievable. He was completely not even aware of much anymore and actually the day before he passed he fell and he I think broke his hip. I have never seen a man suffer as my own dad. Hospice was with us and I think she was actually a angel. My dad went into a coma for 24 hours and he was actually starting to have fluid coming from his mouth a little and the nurse said it was not going to be easy watching him choking on the fluids. She asked me to run to the pharmacy to get meds that will dry up some of the mucus and I was walking out the door and she came and said stop. She asked me to come back in the room where the family was and I grabbed my dad's hand and just started saying that he is ok to go be with Jesus and that we are ok. I held his had watching him and talking to him when he completely opened up his eye's and looked over to the ceiling to his left and this huge smile appeared on his face. He was completely staring and smiling so big and took his last breath very peacefully. I am still holding his hand and I am not sure how to describe the feeling that came through my chest. I was at a peace that I can't explain and I felt the strongest love that I am not able to describe because I have nothing to compare this to. Jesus I believe was there for my dad and I got to experience a gift that will be with me forever. I am really greatful you read that book. 🙏


My husband died while in surgery for gallbladder removal. The doctor cut the artery that is hidden under the gallbladder. In other words, people have had this artery cut before and died from it. My husband came out of his body and was standing next to the surgeon. He saw her pinching off the vein. He saw where every nurse were standing, . Then, he said it got very hectic in there. He said the nurses where hurriedly getting into drawers and cabinets, and he also saw the anesthesiologist as well. He said the ceiling was dark and he didn’t feel himself standing on the floor. He also said it was a bloody mess all over him and the floor. After his surgery I went to talk to the doctor after she took an hour longer than she said it would take. She told me everything went fine. However, when I went to my husbands room after recovery, he held up his little finger and pinched it and said, “something went wrong”! He told me everything, and I could see he went through something. His back was hurting so badly. His face had a cherry red spot on it the size of a nickel, and both of his lips were busted. When I asked the doctor at her evening rounds what really happed in surgery, she said, "I don’t know what you mean." Once my husband told her every detail of what happened, she kept asking if he felt pain. He said, no, I was out of my body standing next to you pinching a vein together while the nurses ran frantically and brought you things. She finally told him that he had “total recall of what happened in surgery, and she couldn’t explain how he knew!” My husband knows you do not stay in your body after death. He did not float up, or go anywhere else. I think mainly because she caught it so fast and then restarted his heart before he could have a heavenly experience. All of this is medically provable!


I had a 'NDE' without even being near death!
It was definitely a visit from God.
Yaweh communicated with me without verbally speaking... & He was LIGHT! He was the brightest light I ever saw drawing closer to me, & a tunnel was involved also. I did not go through it but it was there! I was held in a sleep paralysis as this experience was happening.
Yaweh was assuring me about a difficult happening in my life, & even stated to me, "Thou shall not be held accountable by such legal matter". WOW. He had visited me to make my heart less heavy. I felt indescribably special to have been visited by our GOD.


his book saved my life while i was dealing with my daughters death, it literally started my journey on studying near death experiences, after this book i just started gobbling all books that deal with near death experiences, some 300 books or its helped me with my grief so much, im still stuck in self pity I guess but atleast im not contemplating suicide and i know my baby girl is in heaven with out a doubt


I’ve been researching NDE for over 12 years it’s absolutely amazing…..


Both of my parents died in January 3 days apart. I’m a Christian and I believe what the Bible says about eternity. But now I have an enormous huger for messages like this.


I have been struggling with addiction, loneliness and fearing death the past 18 years. A month ago I turned my head to God. I am no more afraid of death, I know He will be waiting for me with pure love. I never felt so at peace as I do now. I ordered the book while watching this, only to get even more knowledge and be able to teach others about how great God is <3


I am puzzled by the experience of some agnostics. Everyone seems to come into a place of light and most have a life review. But some never see Jesus and return to earth still not knowing Jesus. They seem to have a new Universalism, feeling that everyone is going to heaven and feeling absolute love. There is no recognition of Jesus. Why would God send them back believing and spreading a delusion? I am trusting in Jesus for my salvation, I believe that He is the one and only way to heaven. He atoned for my sin and granted me forgiveness and my faith is in God's abundant grace.


I had a NDE just over a year ago. I have only shared what happened to one person. A pastor. I don't think he knew what to say. Whenever I think about my NDE I am filled with emotion and start crying, not out of sadness, but of being humbled by how many people on the other side that love us so deeply, how they fight for us, how we are allowed to participate on some level on what is going to happen next. I don't believe I was allowed to remember everything, but what I do remember fills me completely with love, gratefulness, thankfulness and humility.
After my fall I was unconscious for about a minute or two, but my experience was much longer.
I would like to share my experience someday. Not that it was something so enlightening that I need to share with the world, but I want people who have had a NDE not to feel so alone. I have experienced a lot of depression after my NDE. I feel things differently now and I don't quite understand it. I'm still processing what happened.
I will share a feeling I experienced. When I was on the other side I felt very "light", very peaceful, there was no worry, no anxiety, time was different, it was just all different. When I was coming back into my body I immediately felt the heaviness of the emotions we carry while we are here. I remember thinking, oh my gosh, all these emotions are so heavy on my chest. How do we carry this all day, everyday?


Yes brother… we need to constantly be in communion with the trinity, focused on collecting hearts for our true home and loving on our family while we are here!! Amen!! God is king.


In John 12:32 Jesus says He will draw ALL men to him. I think NDE experiences are just a new way for Him to accomplish this at this time in history. ♥️


Truly beautiful. It's so nice to know I am not alone, and that the world start waking up to the fact that we are a soul that happens to be a body and not a body that may or may not have a soul. Our soul's main purpose is to reach ascension while we are still alive while passing all of life's ups and downs trials.


I had dreamed when I was like 10 years old, I was with Moses and his people. 28 years later still remember the dream vividly like it was yesterday.


My biggest fear was pain when death occurs. I was laying down about to fall asleep I asked God what really happens when we die? Does it hurt? THEN an hour later woke up from a dream I was getting shot in my dream my spirit left my body BEFORE the shooting. So I had my prayer answered that night. I had an NDE in my dream. Our spirit leaves right before death so it does not hurt!!


I wonder if Christianity could withstand a withdrawal of the belief that you must believe in Jesus to get to heaven. I grew up Southern Baptist and that was one belief I never could sink my teeth into - that someone who believed in a different God was going to hell. Because I really believed in Jesus’ message - in unconditional love. Unconditional. Absolute unconditional love - no matter what deity anyone believes in - God loves you unconditionally. I wonder if Christianity could someday accept that - that everyone is so very loved, unconditionally, that there are no ‘conditions’ upon who gets to go to Heaven - that we are all loved equally in God’s eyes. I just wonder. Thank you for this wonderful video!!


This is one of the best interviews! I just ordered his book while listening to this conversation. God bless you both!


This is wonderful!!! Keep interviewing him! To research means to search over and over… to REsearch. He’ll have more!


Great interview. John Burke is a faithful minister of the Lord Jesus Christ. I've read his book numerous times. God bless you guys.


Paul was never told to repeat the sinners prayer and Jesus forgave those that put Him on the cross while He hung on the cross and did not make them say the sinners prayer. God Is Love. Because He is Love every knee will bow and every tongue confess Jesus is Lord. ♥️
