Deal or no deal: will the US sell F-35s to the UAE? - Gideon Israel

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Deal or no deal: will the #US sell #F-35s to the #UAE?
Gideon Israel, Founder & President, Jerusalem-Washington Center

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Will America sell F35'S to UAE??


Something that has stuck in my crawl from the beginning ... no way would i or could i vote for a democrat because the are pro baby murder ... I voted for Trump. I was ecstatic when he won the election, but immediately after words ( call it women's intuition ) it was if something invisible hit me in the gut ) to this day I do not know what that sinking gut feeling means but as i am one of those women that God has given that gift to, i feel doom and gloom and i can't figure it out this time and its driving me nuts. All I gotta say is folks be prayed and stayed up with the Lord. For the unbelievers ... do yourself the biggest favor you ever gave yourself.. seek God's face with all your heart at least one time and ask God if he is for real and if he doesn't confirm it and then reconfirm it, nothing lost, but if you don't seek and he is that he is then your in for such a bad surprise and i assure you, its for eternity... the suffering never ends for you. I will never forget the day I sought God with everything in me ... The skies were bluer and the grass green... its like i walked into an all new beautiful world or dimension... believe me their is no high like the high you get when you come to the knowledge of the Lord in your heart, mind, spirit and soul.


The prayer of Jesus Christ only can save from this great trouble and from corona viruses. (Jesus) I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; John 17:15, 20
