Chasing the Milky Way in Canada

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This is a story about the most adventurous trip of my life.
It was a breathtaking journey through the heart of Canadian Rockies, where I embarked on a soul-stirring adventure to explore the magnificent nature.
My ultimate goal? To capture the mesmerizing night sky in some of the Canada's most iconic locations.This film is a heartfelt attempt to document my cherished memories, preserving the beauty and wonders I encountered along the way. I hope it can inspire you to go on your own journeys, to seek out those beautiful moments, and to discover this magical connection between our world and the stars above.

So join me on a visual odyssey as I tell the stories from Joffre Lakes, Revelstoke, Golden, Emerald Lake, Natural Bridge, Banff, Peyto Lake, Bow Lake, Lake Louise, Three Sisters, Vermillion Lake and Two Jacks Lake under the Milky Way.

Or contact me if you'd like to purchase my photos!

Or just like, comment and share :)

Huge thanks to Eddy for accompanying me on this incredible journey. Give him a follow:

Filmed with Sony a7S III

Music credits:

"Story" by Meydän | License: Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

"Flow" by Olexy | License: Creative Commons CC BY 3.0

"Upbeat Indie Folk" by LesFM | License: Creative Commons CC BY 3.0

"Surreal Forest" by Meydän | License: Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

"RUNNING WATERS" by Audionautix | License: Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

"Path Through The Mountains" by Scott Buckley | License: Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

"Forgotten Places" by Purrple Cat | License: Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

"Romantic Music for Weddings and Valentine’s Day | Love" by Alex-Productions | License: Creative Commons CC BY 3.0

"Countdown" by Alexander Nakarada | License: Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

"Silent Wood" by Purrple Cat | License: Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

"Sundown Drive" by Ghostrifter Official | License: Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

"In Dreams" by Scott Buckley | License: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

"A Kind Of Hope" by Scott Buckley | License: Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

"Ambient I" by Steven O'Brien | License: Creative Commons CC BY-ND 4.0

"Light Years Apart" by Purrple Cat | License: Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

"Legendary Epic Heroic | Heroic" by Alex-Productions | License: Creative Commons CC BY 3.0

"Demised To Shield" by Ghostrifter Official | License: Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

"Golden Hour" by Scott Buckley | License: Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

"Relaxing Chill Music | ARNOR" by Alex-Productions | License: Creative Commons CC BY 3.0

"Journey’s End" by Purrple Cat | License: Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

"Undertow" by Scott Buckley | License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

"Vanguard" by Scott Buckley | License: Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

Intro: 00:00
Joffre Lakes: 3:02
Revelstoke, Eva Lake, Columbia River: 8:09
Glacier National Park, Golden, Blaeberry River: 14:09
Yoho National Park, Emerald Lake, Natural Bridge: 25:49
Alberta, Banff, Lake Louise, Peyto Lake, Bow Lake: 42:47
Vermillion Lakes, Three Sisters, Two Jack Lake: 52:04
Jasper, Icefield Parkway, Athabasca Glacier, Pyramid Island: 59:43

#astrophotography #banff #lakelouise #milkyway #nightsky #canada #roadtrip
Рекомендации по теме

Absolutely fantastic! Inspiring adventure and epic shots! Thank you for this. A must watch for any astrophotographer!


Virkelig fantastisk video. Jeg boede selv i Vancouver i 1975, hvor jeg arbejdede for Sony of Canada. Jeg har altid fotograferet meget og har stadig billeder fra nogle af stederne i videoen.


Truly inspiring! I am going to the Canadian Rockies in September and we are planning on doing some Milkyway photography. We aren’t as advanced as you and we are scared of bears so I hope it all turns out well. We need to research that star tracker you have. Thanks for making the video. It was stellar!


Loving the video and your fantastic images! Hoping to go on an adventure like this myself soon. Clear skies!


Absolutely fantastic. Beautiful editing. Excellent job. Thank you so much for sharing with us ❤❤❤❤


Awesome video Ruslan and amazing photos!


Amazing video and even more incredible photos!!


Великий шанувальник Ваших робіт.
Дуже подобається такий формат відео.


Man right now I live in Ottawa Ontario here in Canada, and since this year recently I started with Astrophotography, I stumble across your journey and I'm considering moving to Alberta :). cheers brother


Молодец, Руслан! Отличное видео и фотографии! Отдельно хочу выделить изменение формата видео и то, что такой формат лично мне больше по душе. Спасибо!


Друг, природа прекрасна! видео супер!


What a fantastic video bro! The landscapes are surreal, and congratulations on the photos and editing!


That was simply epic... what an adventure. Great job with editing too as it felt like we were there with you


jeg kunne ikke skrive i aftes, men det kan jeg nu.
Det er en fantastisk film med så smukke billeder af Mælkevejen og der helt vidunderlige og storslåede, canadiske landskab. Det er utroligt, at der i vor Verden er så smukke steder. Bjørnebillederne og filmen er rørende, dine kompositioner sidder lige i øjet. Jeg har set filmen i aftes, og den far ikke til at komme fra.


The guy who ate food while watching 2 girls 1 cup
