Confronting A Racist Cult!

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In this video, Bryce attempts to confront a "hate group" called the Hebrew Israelites. They believe that if you aren't a certain ethnicity you are destined for hell. They also teach a false Gospel along with denying the deity of Christ. This video goes a little differently...

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As a black man from the blackest part of this world!!! I rebuke this racism and false preachings!!! God bless you brother


Just because you’re being loud and aggressive doesn’t mean you’ve won. I too am black, but I’ve reached a point in my life that it isn’t about race. It’s all about Christ. Bryce, you did well. It doesn’t matter what color we are, what matters is if we are truly in Christ and are we doing His Work to bring others to Him. It’s not about us! Bless you Bryce, and keep it up.


I saw pride, anger, and bullying. God says without love we are Nothing. You showed love. God bless you


Ironically the “preacher” is standing behind the sign that says “This is the devil.”😂


My dude really tried to use Usain bolt's foot speed as evidence of his scriptural claims LOL


"if im gonna be anyone's fool, im gonna be a fool for Jesus" amen


The fact that they couldn’t shake his hand shows that they’re not leading with love


This is my testimony, I used to be an Israelite. Born, and raised in this cult, unfortunately. I used to hate other nations that weren’t the three nations they claim are the “chosen people of God”. Everything they proclaimed in this video and what the other camps proclaim, I used to believe very strongly. But Glory be to God, I was DELIVERED AND SET FREE from this cult, their way of thinking, and living etc. I am now a TRUE Believer in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead that I may have salvation and live again with Him in eternal glory. Amen. Thank You Jesus!❤


That brave young man at the end saying “he don’t speak for all us black people” is amazing feeling in the moment I’m sure


As a black woman this just shows how the enemy is so strategic in even Separating us through race. Till we realise that our flesh (race) does not matter at all to God then will we be free from racial separation. I hope Jesus softens these people’s hearts


I was watching this and realized Jeremiah 23:28 "Let these false prophets tell their dreams, but let my true messengers faithfully proclaim my every word. There is a difference between straw and grain." Bryce here is the messenger, he is proclaiming the correct and right words of Heaven. God bless yall!!


I’m Hispanic and would be ashamed if I was there. Thank you Bryce for spreading the true word of the gospel.❤️‍🔥✝️🤍


These guys are full of pride and anger


He was so offended when you said “according to your way of thinking you’re wasting your time speaking to me” 😂😂😂😂😂 brilliant! You destroyed him with his own words


Definitely a racist cult. They are not imitators of Jesus and his characteristics. It's sickening to say the least and my skin is brown. People that are filled with the holy spirit exude love not hatred. Keep doing what your doing Bryce you know the truth. Jesus is king.


Bryce, I just wanted to tell you you're a blessing. In that situation, I think I'd be scared and angry, but you showed a lot of self-control and stood up for the real Jesus. Thank you. I pray God keeps giving you strength and courage and guidance and wisdom in Jesus' name. Thank you bro for what you do.


I used to be apart of this cult my oh my 🤦🏾‍♂️ God saved me from that confusion


Man you’re a true soldier of God. You schooled that grown man and made him so frustrated because you kept proving him wrong that he wanted to fight you 😂You couldn’t have handled that situation any cooler than how you did and showed that even on a heated verbal battle (which was only heated on the other guy side 😂) God keeps you calm, collective and focused. This video was awesome bro, keep doing Gods work 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Dude bless your patience, my blood was BOILING watching that


Something that I love about this is that they thought they were silencing you and yet little did they know that this video alone has almost one million views. They can shout as loud as they want, but the Truth cannot be silenced and Christ in us always prevails. You acted Christ-like, Bryce, more than I ever could have and I want to thank you for your humility. "And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord". Amen.
