Introduction to Cohomology (Hatcher 3.1 and 3.A)
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Given by Samuel Qunell, a graduate student at UCLA pursuing a PhD in mathematics.
This talk was given in preparation for the UCLA geometry/topology qualifying exam, specifically the algebraic topology portion. It aims to introduce cohomology as well as show some uses. The information for this talk came from Allen Hatcher's "Algebraic Topology" section 3.1 and 3.A.
This video is intended to be the third in a series of videos outlining the important portions of algebraic topology needed for the UCLA qualifying exam. The link to the full playlist can be found at
This talk was given in preparation for the UCLA geometry/topology qualifying exam, specifically the algebraic topology portion. It aims to introduce cohomology as well as show some uses. The information for this talk came from Allen Hatcher's "Algebraic Topology" section 3.1 and 3.A.
This video is intended to be the third in a series of videos outlining the important portions of algebraic topology needed for the UCLA qualifying exam. The link to the full playlist can be found at
Introduction to Cohomology (Hatcher 3.1 and 3.A)
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